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I sat on the train next to Draco, I haven't talked to Harry yet. He's probably wondering where I've been or if I'm okay.

I was reading more about the vanishing cabinet, Draco and I had been given a mission to kill Dumbledore. I had to accept.

Draco : " Darling, you can stop reading.. I've got all the information I need.."

Satori : " Oh, sorry.. I guess I've just become used to reading about it.."

Draco chuckled and kissed my cheek, I let out a small smile and rested my head on Draco's shoulder.

Satori : " Would it be okay if I went to see Harry? "

Draco : " You can't.. he'll ask where you've been.. "

Satori : " Okay then.. "

I looked down, Draco looked at me and sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

Satori : " Harry is going to kill me if he finds out I'm working for the dark lord.."

Draco : " He won't.. he knows that you aren't like us.. even if your forced to be, I'm scared.. I can't kill Dumbledore.."

Satori : " Draco we have to.. it's what he wants.. I'd rather kill Dumbledore than make the dark lord unhappy.."

Draco : " What have you done to Satori? "

I giggled happily and kissed Draco's cheek. I really was becoming one of them wasn't I? Nobody's ever met a HufflePuff who's gone evil.

Time skip —

We arrived at school and I tried to avoid Harry as well as I could. Draco and I made our way up to the room of requirement.

We tried using the vanishing cabinet once again, we were getting some progress but still no luck.

We made our way to the Great Hall and saw Harry talking with Katie Bell, the girl Draco cursed when she was taking the necklace to Dumbledore.

Harry looked at both of us, Draco and I ran off and Harry followed us. Draco ran to one of the bathrooms while I ran off somewhere else.

Harry followed Draco to the bathrooms. I kept a close eye on them. Harry used a spell on Draco causing Draco to fall to the ground bleeding.

I ran to Draco and glared at Harry.

Satori : " Harry you hurt him!! "

Harry : " Your working with them! "

He snarled, I growled at Harry. Snape came into the room and Harry left. Snape healed Draco, I looked at Snape.

Snape : " Let's go.."

I nodded and we left the bathroom. I held Draco close and sighed.

Satori : " You okay Draco? "

Draco : " I'm fine! "

He spat at me, I went silent and looked away.

Time skip —

We finally got the bloody Vanishing cabinet to work, soon enough we would be able to get the other Death Eaters into the castle.

I smirked, I have to admit, it's fun working for the evil guys. Even if it means betraying the ones you love the most.

Draco and I made our way to the Slytherin common room, we would soon be on our way to killing Dumbledore.

Or will Draco be a wimp? He always has been, just he never likes to admit it. I sat on Draco's bed and got out a book.

I started reading while Draco paced throughout the room, he was struggling to stay calm.

Satori : " Calm down Draco.."

Draco : " Easy for you to say.."

Satori : " Oh come on, you have to admit it's fun being evil.."

Draco : " What? You can't be serious.."

Satori : " Maybe I am.. after all, it's exciting.. "

He sighed and sat next to me.

Draco : " We don't want to be evil.. it's scary.."

Satori : " Your being a baby.."

Draco : " I am not! "

He snapped at me and growled, I sighed and went back to reading. We then went to sleep.

Time skip —

We left the room of requirement and made our way to Dumbledore, the rest of the death eaters would be here any minute.

Draco pointed his wand at Dumbledore, I watched them. Dumbledore looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

Satori : " I'm sorry Dumbledore.."

I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the mark on my arm. I had no choice but to do what I was told.

Bellatrix and the other death eaters soon came in.

Bellatrix : " Well done Satori and Draco.. come on Draco, finish him off~ "

Draco hesitated and started to lower his wand. Snape came in and talked to Dumbledore before.

Snape : " Avada Kedavra! "

Dumbledore fell off the tower, I covered my eyes. It was too upsetting to watch. We made out way down the tower.

We were in the great hall and Bellatrix made all the glass smash. I held onto Draco and sighed.

We started walking into the forest following the others, Harry was following us.

Harry : " We trusted you!! "

I looked back at Harry same as Draco. Harry tried to fight with Snape but he failed.

Snape : " You two go! "

Draco and I left, following Bellatrix and the other death eaters. The war has begun, it is only the beginning.

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