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March 04, 20XX  
dear diary,
it's been a while since i write here huh. well, i just wanted to let out this thoughts and feelings of mine again. i feel a lot more safer writing here than talking to beomgyu because there's 99.8% chance that he'll tell soobin, so nO. NO TALKING BEOMGYU.
it's about soobin. we're best friends for a long time but i feel weird around him. every little thing he do had some weird feeling or impact or whatever in me.
sometimes he would just smile at me and my heart is racing like shit. the way his dimples showed up and his eyes disappear when he laugh. when he does aegyo unwillingly, his lips will form into a pout then boom no thoughts head empty, just full of choi soobin. 
or when he would care for me and feed me ice cream or ramyeon whenever i'm sad it makes me sadder :(  kidding, it sends butterflies in my stomach and it's not good. :(
also, one time during winter last year he was alone in their house so he invited me over - jUST TO CUDDLE HIM!! CAN YOU BELIEVE HIM? his audacity for calling me just to freaking cuddle, i'm not complaining by the way.
he's even in my dreams sometimes, at first i brushed it off. he's my best friend so it's completely nORMAL to feel this. but oh boy, i was wrong.
it's been a month since i realized something.
wanna know how i realized that? it happened on valentines day and as usual, i rejected girls but not in a rude way, i still accept their chocolates and free food tho. i'll be giving them to binnie anyways but who wouldn't want free food?
okay okay back to soobin. when i saw him in the locker room and this famous girl pinning him to the wall even though he's taller than her. i watched them as soobin just stood there, confused when suddenly the girl grabbed his collar and kissed him - in the cheeks. i felt a wave of jealously wash over me but oF COURSE I WOULD NOT LET HER KISS HIM IN THE LIPS - at least not see her kiss him in the lips because i turned around, not interrupting them, trying to sort out my thoughts and that's when everything clicked.
diary, i like soobin — so much.  
soobin's future boyfriend,



hi! i'm just craving for yeonbin fluff contents and i had enough angst, so i wrote this. (tho i have angst here in my drafts but i ain't gonna drop it till it's finished.) 
a cliché best friends to lovers au because y not. but it's short because it's diary entries and some narrations only.
stay hydrated, keep safe. 
draft: 01/28/21   

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