Chapter 21

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His words might not be helpful but the are the truth...and the truth hurts always.

Does the truth imprison us, or does it set us free? One thing we know for sure, the truth can hurt. Ask a drug or alcohol addict who has faced friends and professionals in an intervention. The addict arrives home, or at work to discover a room full of people well known to him. The addict takes one look around, and he knows what has happened. One person takes the lead, and then it is on, if the addict does leave in a fury. Even then, he/she has had a head on collision with the truth. The truth is the addict is ruining his life, and the lives of those in his family. 

The addict is faced with a mirror of himself, and of the love and concern of these others. Hopefully, he will see the truth in their eyes and words. Some do hear and turn their lives around. Facing the truth about our negative sides is a difficult thing to do. However, none of us can improve without knowing the truth, even when it hurts. If we learn, the truth really does set us free.

This truth is treason in your empire of lies.....

"Stop it." he turned you around, you didn't even realise the nails that you dug deep into your once soft palms. A low sigh left your lips as you laid against him tiredly, as he held you up so you won't fall. "Let's treat your hands ok?" he whispered softly into your ear as you pulled yourself away. 

You hurt him and he still wants to help, let's not be selfish Y/n, just treat it yourself. 

"No...No it's fine, I'll do it myself, I've caused enough trouble already." You bowed your head and walked out of the basement, you felt Tae just follow you like a puppy. "What happened child?" Jin ran to you worried as you could feel Hoseok's burning stare soften slightly as he acknowledged your hands. 

"Oh nothing Jin! its ok." You flashed a bright smile and passed by everyone locking yourself into the upstairs bathroom as you heard Tae's footsteps chase after you. "Open the door you idiot." He sighed and knocked on the door quietly. 

You couldn't bring yourself to speak since you felt ashamed of your idiotic actions...what's wrong with you? you never do anything right...even when you were young you'd always did the wrong things and disappoint your parents. 


There comes a time that for keeping one's self respect intact, one must leave what one hoped would be a good thing. The disappointment arrives as a sadness. It is a grief, an ending, yet in time it passes, in time the soul can begin to hope for something real, lasting and secure.

But this has nothing to do with what you feel is what they feel...they are hurt and disappointed because of you. 


Age 6 

"I need you to stay here...ok? stay hidden please, for papa." 

You watch as your dad placed you in the closet and closed the door hiding you with the clothes above, He left the room and slammed the door. Sounds....words...cries...

What could be going on..? you heard the gurgling scream of  a man..."FUCKING STOP!" your dad yelped as you heard a series of loud bangs. Your childish brain told you to go and make sure your dad is ok...foolish how freaking foolish you were . 

You pushed the wooden door agape as you crawled across the floor to the main door, slowly pulling away at it and pushing your tine head through.  

There...was a knife but no attacker the knife was little more than a rusted and jagged blade set in aging wood. Yet the warm blood dribbled down painting the wood. The handle was warped and held together by a brass-looking screw. you eyed it like it was solid gold briefly before stowing it under your clothes...your brainless self thought you could be able to save anyone with that. 

"Hello darling," A man bent down to you, he noticed the knife you were hiding and smirked. "Go away." You yelped as he slapped you making you stumble to the floor dropping the knife.  "What did you think you could do with that huh?" he laughed as he took the knife away. 

"How about we put you to sleep..?" His laugh was slow and jagged as he lifted the knife above his head ready to jam it into your gut. But of course someone was there to save you...

"NOONA?! " your older brother scream made the man laugh as he pulled the knife down, your eyes closed ready for the impact ...until you felt your older's body wrap around you like a kola...taking the hit for you. 

"Bub? buba?" You began to cry as you pulled onto his cheeks, the man was shot dead by the men in blue . They were late...too late to save your buba. 

"Bub...Bub...why are you sleeping? why aren't you waking up buba?" You held his fluffy cheeks as no motion took place in his lifeless limbs. 

Back disappointed your bub...and your whole family...and now you are disappointing them too...


"Y/n? open the door please." his soft voice bought you back from your memories as you looked at the ivory wooden door debating a decision. "Wait." you wiped your eyes and opened the door with the back of your hand. "You idiot." he shook his head and placed you on the side of the bathtub. "Hands out." he frowned as he pulled out a first aid box and too out the tools he needed. 

You put your hands out repulsively as he slapped your head making you keep them straight. He treated your hands and bandaged them both up and gave each a kiss. 

"Just so you know I forgive you, I don't know about hyung but I forgive you, I did worse." He smiled softly and patted your head with a soft little kiss on your puffy cheeks. 

"Does this mean your offer is still up?" You looked up at him with puppy eyes as you tilted your head from left to right. "What offer?" he asked confused as he crouched down and placed his hands on your knees. "You said you'd wait for me... are you still waiting?" you looked down biting your nails as he lifted your head up and placed his hand higher towards your thighs. 

"I'm waiting Y/n I'm waiting, I fell in love with you ok...?" He smiled softly and kissed your thighs softly. 

"I'll always be waiting for you even if I'm no longer yours." 

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