𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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William was surprised at what I said.

"I love you too (y/n)."

I smiled and walked out of the room.


I glared at Olivia who was sitting on the couch.

"Shut your mouth, Olive."

"Whatever but you got some explaining to do."

I grunted.
"Yeah, yeah I know."

I walked over to her and sat on the couch.
Then she started to examine my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I can tell by your face that your sad about something, what's wrong."

I narrowed my eyes at the ground.
"It's just-never mind I'll explain when I tell you the plan."

"The plan for what?" Olivia asked.

"To get things back to how they should be. When William went into the pit he changed the timeline or some shit."

"Ohhhhh okay, explain this plan then."

I explained the whole plan including the killing of both William's to her in 10 minutes.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)."

I softly smiled at my friend.

"It's okay Olivia he was supposed to be dead anyway but it will definitely be hard for me to get over him."

Olivia put both of her hands on my shoulder.

"Hey, but I'll always be here for you I will never leave your side."

A single tear fell down my face.

"Thanks, Olivia you are truly the best friend I've ever had."

I wiped my tear from my face.

"I'm going to go spend some time with William before he has to.....you know."

Olivia nodded her head.
"I understand now go get him, girl!"

I smiled and got up from the couch.
I softly knocked on the door which was now closed.

"William, can I come in?" I asked.

I heard a low yes so I opened the door.
I was about to walk in when I noticed the room was dark.

'Should I go in?' I thought.

All of a sudden I felt Olivia push me into the room. When Olivia pushed me in she slammed the door shut.

I stood up and brushed myself off.
I looked around the seemingly pitch-black room.

I could barely see anything.
That was until I saw the very familiar faint glowing eyes.

"William?" I asked.

I heard him chuckled and his glowing eyes disappeared.
I was very confused but also curious.
This was clearly planned by Olivia and William.

Then I felt William grab me by my waist then my hand.
His glowing eye's appeared again.


Once William said that an assortment of candles lit the darkroom.
I looked around and rose petals were scattered on the ground.

"William what is all of this-"

"Shhhh my love and just dance with me."

Right on cue music started playing and it sounded very familiar.
That was when I remember that time when William and I danced in his office.

It was the exact same song.

William started to dance and tried to follow him in the dance but I have no clue on how to dance.

This was such a surreal experience, it felt like I was dreaming.
William spun me a few times and would occasionally dip me.

I knew William can be a little romantic but only if he wants something. Or it could be the rare chance where he is actually feeling something.

"My love I have a feeling a ton of crazy stuff is going to happen tonight so I just want to express my love to you a little before then."

"I might not be the most affectionate lover and won't show as much affection to others but you (y/n) (l/n) have made me feel something in my heart. And I mean this when I say it but I love you (y/n)."

I knew deep down in Williams heart that he can still feel love for someone.
I looked him in his icy blue eyes and he looked into mine.

"William there will never be a point in my life where I won't love you. Even if you die my love for you will be endless."

William smirked.
"That sounded cheesy."

I pushed him away, "Yours did too!"

We both laughed at each other.

"But it did sound cheesy though," William said.

"Yeah I know, I know."

I looked back at William.

"So when did you do all of this?" I said pointing at the candles and roses.

"When you were talking to Olivia."

"Did you like it?" He asked.

"Of course I liked it although I didn't like the part when Olivia pushed me into the room."

William rolled his eyes.
"You weren't coming in so she had to push you in."

"Fair point."

We both then went quiet.

"So we have quite the amount of time until we have to get ready for tonight. What do you want to do in the meantime?" I asked.

William shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know."

"I KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO!" Olive yelled from the family room.

We both looked at each other.

"Looks like Olivia knows what to do."

We both walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where we found Olivia waving around a game of Monopoly.

I smirked, "Oh yeah monopoly will definitely waste time."

I was about to run over to Olive until William then tapped me on my shoulder, "Love if I may ask but what is Monopoly?"

Olivia gave William the stank face.
"See demon! He doesn't know what monopoly is!"

"Olivia keep in mind he's from the '80s." I reminded.

"Oh shit you right."

Olivia looked at William.

"Well, Mr. Afton let me introduce you to the game Monopoly."

(Okay so I just want to ask everyone for their opinions real quick. Do you all think this story is getting way too confusing? Cause I really think that I am confusing people and I don't want everyone thinking that this book makes no sense. And if that is the case then I might just stop this book and start over with a new idea so I need y'alls opinions on this book.)

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