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I remember when the symbol mark my skin,
Happiness, I felt through me.
Loving and longing already,
To see whose name is on my wrist.

I spent days fantasizing,
Of the day I'll meet you.
At a coffee shop or the mall,
Or maybe even at my classes in school.

I wonder how you look like,
And where are you from?
Are you kind and compassionate?
Or are you warm with a cold exterior?

I never knew how someone could feel,
So passionate about someone they never met.
But now that I've got you,
Love is in the air.

I met you one summer,
A lovely boy down the streets.
Your family had just moved here,
A new neighbor for me to meet.

I didn't realize that then,
How quickly I'll fall for you.
I also didn't know then,
That it will cause me so much pain.

We became close friends,
Always hanging out.
Some would say we are attached,
Together by the hip.

I never found the courage,
To tell you I'm your soulmate.
I was curious however,
Why didn't you say I'm yours?

You moved away at the end of  9th grade.
Just after 3 years of knowing you,
That's all I get.
I hope I can meet you sometime again.

With that my life moved on its own.
Yet somehow I still dream of you,
Every night, not a single day missed.
I still long to meet you again.

The next time I met you,
My heart was broken.
You were with another girl,
A smile adorning your features.

You saw me a little while later,
And greeted me as an old friend.
Happily you told me,
"I have finally met my soulmate!"

Shyly, the girl next to you gave me her wrist,
You did too, doing the same.
I stand there shock,
The names were of each other.

You two seem so happy,
As soulmates should.
I couldn't bear to tell you,
Anything other than "Congrats".

My day went downhill that day,
The rain pouring over my head.
I couldn't do anything,
But think about the invite in hand.

An invite to your wedding,
Yet with another girl.
You'll officially be married,
On a beautiful August day.

Now that I'm home,
I can finally rethink.
I realize that I'm an error,
A glitch in the system.

I was never your soulmate,
Yet you were mine.
The pain it brought me,
Only now did I realize.

A month later, I met you again.
In a tuxedo, greeting with a smile.
You talk to me,
About the jitters in your stomach.

The wedding ended.
Everything was a success.
I smile fondly,
Masking a broken heart.

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