Mudstar was worried about what was going to happen, this doesn't normally happen It was finnaly sun-high when Mudstar, Spottedtail, and Poppyclaw came to island to see that Astride was pacing back and forth on the island. Mudstar was worried herself. Astride saw her and ran up to her, "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!" she screamed.
"I-I don't know," Mudstar meowed.
Poppyclaw's eyes widen, "It's coming," she meowed. The earth shaked rapidily Astride took cover behind a large rock. Mudstar joined her. Mudstar peaked out to see Poppyclaw standing in the center of the island staring at the sky. "Poppyclaw!" Mudstar yowled. She jump out from behind the rock and ran to her. The earth was shaking really hard and for what seemed like a moon. Mudstar ran next to Poppyclaw. She looked up to see a tree falling at her! She ran calling to Poppyclaw, "Poppyclaw move!" Mudstar ran over and push out of the trees path. Having the branches land on Mudstar. Mudstar blacked out.