8 | Boy's sleepover (Part 1)

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It was early in the morning, Adrien was having breakfast before going to school. Friday.
—Good morning, Adrien. —His father said
—Can we talk? —Adrien asked
—Sure, as long as it doesn't take long.
—Nino's birthday was this week and he would like to spent time with his friends so he asked me if we can make a sleepover in my house, today...

Gabriel sighed. Nathalie appeared in the dinning room.
—Good morning, Nathalie. How do you feel?
—I feel better. I can stand up by myself, and it's a perfect opportunity to stretch my legs. What were you talking about?
—Adrien wants a sleepover with his friends and I don't like the idea. What's the point? —Gabriel said
—I know we see each other everyday but school time is not enough to hang out. —Adrien added
—How many friends will you invite?
—Just four, my closest friends and Nino's for sure.

Nathalie looked at Gabriel.
—Okay, I will let you do your meeting but don't be noisy. Remember you can't eat whatever you want, you have an important photoshoot coming soon.
—Thank you, father. —Adrien said and hugged him
—Thanks, Nathalie. Good bye! —He said and went with his bodyguard to school

In recess, the friends reunited.
—Good news that your old man let you, dude. —Nino said
—I know, I can't believe it.
—Sorry, but I won't go. I will visit my grandmother in Estrasburgo, and I'lo stay all weekend. —Ivan said
—Don't worry, Ivan. We will hang out next time.
—It's okay. —Ivan said

—At what time will we meet? —Max asked
—I have fencing lessons, but you can be at 7.
—Okay, can't wait. —Kim added

The school day finished. Adrien was in his fencing lessons.
—Good game, Adrien. —A mate told him
—Good moves, Adrien. By a little you almost beat me. —Kagami said
—Thank you, I guess.
—Hey, Have you think about us?
—I have but I just... need more time, please.
—Okay. —Kagami said not really convinced
—See you later.

Adrien was happy because of the meeting with his friends but he received a notice not very grateful.
—Good afternoon. —Adrien said to his bodyguard and sat down in the car

The bodyguard grunted (that means pay attention) Adrien's father was on the screen.
—I hope you had a great day, I just wanted to tell you Felix is here so we will be with you in the sleepover. Try to keep him distracted, he is obtrusive. —Gabriel Agreste said in the video-call
—Okay, father. —Adrien said a little discouraged

*Adrien in his mind*
Felix promised he would behave better since the last time he came, I hope we keep his word... anyways, I don't want to ruin my day with my friends just because of him.

Adrien arrived to his house, Felix was already there.
—Good evening, aunt and Felix.
—Good evening, Adrien, it's nice to see you. —She replied

Adrien went to his room and Felix followed him.
—Hey, do you know my friend's and I will have a sleepover?
—Isn't it a girls thing? —Felix said
—No. It will be only boys, like a party but staying till next day.
—I'm going to take a shower quickly. If my friends are here... could you please receive them? As yourself of course.
—I got it. No problem.
—Thank you.

Adrien entered to the bathroom and locked the door.
—Plagg, I need you to watch him, just in case he does something strange.
—Remember to be careful, nobody can see you.
—Are you going to take a shower for real?
—Yes, I wasn't lying! Now go and do your job.
—What did you say?

Plagg checked Felix from the room's ceiling. Felix was looking at everything, like he was bored. Then, he looked through the window and realized Adrien's friends were outside. He went to get them to the room.
—Hey, guys. Remember me? —Felix said
—Aren't you the guy who sent us the video as Adrien? —Max said
—Yes, he is. Felix, Adrien's cousin. —Nino answered
—Guys, I've changed. I promise...

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