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                                    HOW TO SIGN UP




District(There are 12 Of these)

*Best Wepon(Just list 1 or two wepons you like)

*tribute Info(Some Facts About your tribute)

  Reaped Or Voled(did you get reaped Or did you Willingly Go In the games) 



Name: Kathryn Davis




Best Wepon:Axe and Knive

Info:Kathryn is a Small girl About 5'6 With Blue Eyes And Brown Hair. She Has a Mother,Father,And 1 Little Sister.

Reaped Or Voled:Reaped

(*) Means its Optinal And you dont HAVE to do it but it would be nice

The Games Will start When i get 24 Applacations You CAN send in two tributes If you want but 3 is the max

Good Luck and My the Odds be Ever in your Favor

The 43rd Hunger Games ~SYOT~Where stories live. Discover now