Chapter 1

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“Good morning, Gojo-san.” 

“Morning, Hanah-Bee,” Gojo replied without looking up from his phone, his fingers breezing across the screen at lightning speed as he exchanged fervent texts with his most promising student. “The usual, please.” 

“Coming up,” Hanah said as she rang up his order and accepted the crispp bill he had slid toward her, his attention still focused on his phone as she motioned to the tip jar and made his way to the other end of the bar. “How have you been, Gojo-san? I haven’t seen you in a few days. Busy?” 

“Yeah,” Gojo said as he continued to tap away at his phone, the loud eruption of steam from the espresso machine barely phasing him. The sound of ripping paper reached his ears before it turned into a soft bubbling hum. “I’ve recently acquired a new student.” 

“Ah,” Hanah said as she reached for a paper cup and pumped more syrup into it than any one person should have unless they wanted to meet an early death. “That will do it.” 

“Yeah,” the white haired man muttered as he started to scroll through the emails he was suddenly bombarded with. He tore his eyes away from his phone momentarily to accept the cup of coffee that Hanah had slid toward him. “The usual?” 

“One usual,” Hanah said with a small smile. “Enjoy your day, Gojo-san.” 

“Yeah,” Gojo said as he lifted the cup to his lips and took a small sip. “You too.” 


“Good morning, Gojo-san.” 

“Morning, Hanah-Bee,” Gojo greeted, his eyes glued to his phone. “The usual, please.” 

“Coming up,” Hanah said as she rang up his order and accepted the crisp bill he had slid toward her, his attention still focused on his phone as he motioned to the tip jar and made his way to the other end of the bar. “Is your new student still keeping you busy?” 

“Yeah,” Gojo said as he continued to tap away at his phone, the loud eruption of steam from the espresso machine barely phasing him. The sound of ripping paper reached his ears before it turned into a soft bubbling hum. “Saying he’s a handful is an understatement.” 

“I’m sure you two will find your stride eventually,” Hanah said as she reached for a paper cup and pumped more syrup into it than any one person should have unless they wanted to meet an early death. “How’s Fushiguro-kun? Busy too?” 

“Yeah,” the white haired man muttered as he started to scroll through the endless stream of emails he hadn’t bothered to check since yesterday afternoon. He tore his eyes away from his phone momentarily to accept the cup of coffee that Hanah had slipped toward him. “The usual?” 

“One usual,” Hanah said with a small smile. “Enjoy your day, Gojo-san.” 

“Yeah,” he said as he lifted the cup to his lips and took a small sip. “You too.” 

“Hey, girl,” Gojo looked up to see a man standing at the front register, his forehead wrinkled with impatience as he snapped his fingers at Hanah like a master beckoning their pup. “Think you can handle getting me a cup of coffee instead of mooning over your boyfriend? I’m late for work,” he snapped as he motioned to the watch on his wrist. “Hello?”

Gojo didn’t like the way he spoke to Hanah but he was in a rush as well this morning and this was her place of work. The last thing he wanted to do was make a scene because he wouldn’t have to pay the consequences of laying that jerk out flat across the floor, she would. He watched her cheeks flush a deep red, her hands working hurriedly against the apron around her wait in an effort to dry them faster as she made her way to the register and offered a flurry of apologies while she started his order. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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