Shooting Star

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You are my shooting star,
A beautiful occurrence.
Like how they light up the night sky,
You light up my world.

You came to me so suddenly,
I almost missed you.
Despite being so unprepared,
It's not like I am complaining.

Loving you felt like a dream,
Something I wish to never end.
Others say "No good thing stays",
But I like to challenge that.

You are like the cherry to my ice cream,
Or like the Sun to my rain.
Because when we are together,
The rainbow will come after the storm.

I can longer imagine my life without you,
The color to my sketch.
With you, life is painting,
Perfect and complete.

My friends says I'm whipped,
But I can't seem to care.
You're just that perfect,
I love every part of your being.

You are my soulmate,
Despite not having a system.
You are my everything,
As I am yours.

From the moment I met you,
I knew that it meant to last.
Forever by you,
Till we meet on the other side.

I don't think I can live,
If you are not here.
Our love is endless,
Deeper than the ocean floor.

I wonder if our kids will read this,
And find out just how sappy I was.
But I will never regret it,
If it's for my star.

Love isn't perfect,
There will be times we argue.
But obstacles are to overcome,
Only to be together again.

Our journey together,
Will be kept in my mind.
How our story begins,
To our happy ending.

From when we first met,
To our very first date.
From our first kiss,
To our own first kid.

Roses and thorns,
They'll always be there.
Even those bad moments,
I'm glad to be with you.

You are my shooting star,
Don't ever forget that.
I'll be there to catch you,
You'll never be alone.

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