Villain Deku

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      Doesn’t the word seem so bland? Doesn’t it seem like it could use some more fun? That’s what I’m here for, to make the world more fun and less bland. I have no name but I am what you would call a villain. People call me a villain and evil but in all honesty, I’m just doing what I think the world needs. Lots of people do what they feel is right whenever they want to. So what’s wrong with me doing it? My story starts just around two years ago. I was walking home from my best friend's house when I just happened to bump into my childhood idol. Of course I was super happy and Jumpy and excited and all those fun things. But in my happiness I happened to say I wanted to be just like them and do all the cool things they do. Then They said the best thing they could’ve possibly said for my lovely career. “Little kid, you need to just focus on the realistic things in life, not trying to become someone you aren't.” then he… he left. Just like that. That's when I had a new outlook in life. I focused on the realist things in life.
Like death.
If that isn’t real enough I don’t know what is. I went around making the world more realistic. Proving that dying is real and that it isn't a dream. Proving that there are killers out there and no one can stop them, no one. Not even the police. At first it was too hard to watch their sad expressions and listen to their desperate begging but I always just say “Please, just focus on the real things” and then they’re gone and it slowly, day by day, becomes easier. Now it’s pretty much just a hobby. You might say that their families become so sad when they find out they’ve died, but sadness is just another reality. You might also say that it’s not a reality, it's a feeling but feelings are real too. You’ll probably say that that’s so horrible and villains should just be defeated and die but… isn’t that thinking like a villain yourself? Wishing that people die? In fact, most “villains” as you say, do the things they do because they’re outcasts and need things like money or a house or they feel alone in this wretched society. They feel like no one cares.. For example, when a person robs a bank, do they do it for fun? Do they do it and risk their lives? No, they do it because they need money. If a person were to wind up murdered, do you think the killer did it for fun? Sometimes, but most of the time there's a reason. Even if that reason is just because they ruined their life that’s okay because people kill villains because we supposedly ruined all of your lives. You can’t tell me I’m bad when really humanity is just messed up and I’m the one fixing it. I slowly get rid of all people that are ruining it. All the people that make are lives worse. Slowly one by one. And there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong because deep down we’re all just villains and why not just get rid of the villains who have been brainwashed to think that they’re the right ones because they don’t kill people but they still think the same things we do and if that makes us villains then so are they. As a wise person once told me. “Just focus on the realistic things in life.” Even if those real things are death and sadness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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