owa owa

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on a walk. Its snowing and you are on edge of frostbite. You are lost. Keep walking. Keep walking.. walking kee- you pass out on the floor....

Your eyes start to open, vision blurred. You can start to see a figure hovering above you. Its techno, he happened to stumble upon you on the floor. Freezing and uncontious, you ask "what happened?" He replies, "i was on my way back from my walk and found you laying on the floor, im not gonna lie i thought you were dead. But i picked you up and brought you here and warmed you up.. also tommys here so if hes annoying just tell me and ill stab him, alright?" you say in a tired tone "thank you" "Get some rest" techno says.

-you fall asleep-

Middle of the night.. techno awakes to check on you, he walks over and sees you are peacefully sleeping. under his breath "I just wanna be the one you love..." he sits down on the end of the bed just to stay with you for a little bit. Tommy walks in and rubs his eyes and whispers "techno.. what are you doing?" He replies "oh i was just checking on y/n" tommy leaves the room with techno following behind and they both go back to sleep.

(LMFAO I MADE IT BC OF A TIKTOK- i also think techno wouldn't actually know what to do and just stand there like 🧍‍♂️ and tommy would come in the room and SCREAM but yk)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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