Feel Again (A Harry Styles Love story)

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I walked in the door of my apartment and fell on the couch. Work was horrible, to say the least. I'm a model, and one of my clients decided to move up one of my shoots to today, taking my only day off. And, trust me, I love and cherish my days off.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I fished it out of my purse and answered it without looking at the caller i.d..

"Uh, hello?" I said. Then the voice of my best friend I had known all my life answered.

"Hey Jade, how are you?" Niall's familiar voice answered.

"Oh my god, Ni! I was starting to think you forgot about me! I'm alright, how are you?" I said, immediately sitting up, with a huge smile on my face.

"I'm alright. You live in New York, right?" He asked.

"Um, yeah.. Why?" I asked. He knew I had lived in New York for a year now, since I had moved here one year ago from Ireland. Oh god, I had changed since then.. He probably wouldn't even recognize me.

The last time I saw Niall in person was right before I had moved, when he came back to Ireland for a few days. Back then, I didn't have any tattoos, no glasses, I wasn't that fat, not that skinny either though, and didn't have the greatest fashion taste either.. Now I had sleeves on both my arms, large framed glasses (that I sometimes switch for contacts), had a great taste in fashion, and was now anorexic. I wasn't proud of the last one, it was just all the pressure. I had moved here with enough money for a few months, and I needed a job. I couldn't seem to find anything, other than modeling.

All the modeling agencies said I had the perfect face, but not a good sized body. I needed to get to a size two to zero and then they would talk. I started working out and dieting for the first month, but nothing happened. I needed the job, so I gave up eating. I drank a lot of water, but didn't put an ounce of food in my mouth for a month. By then I was a size zero. I started getting sick and went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with anorexia. I started eating again and working out. I had maintained my figure well, now I was a size two. They gave me the contract and I was hired for a ton of jobs immediately.

A few weeks later I got my checks in the mail, all were awesome amounts of money, so I got a tattoo. With tattoos, once you get one, you want more. So I got more. They all meant something to me. The only things that hadn't changed much about my appearance was my natural black hair, bright blue eyes, my tan skin I got from my Italian father, and my face. I hadn't told Niall of anything that really went on in my life, other than moving.

"Jade, Jade, you there?" Niall's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Oh god Niall, sorry, I was daydreaming. What were you saying?" I asked.

"I asked what your address was, they boys and I are in New York and I want to see you!" He said. Oh god, what do I tell him? He doesn't have a clue about anything I have done. I couldn't lie to him, and I really want to see him. So I did what I had to, gave him my address.

"Okay, yeah. See you in a few. Kay, Love you, bye!" We hung up and I panicked. I looked around at my messy apartment. I can't let him and the boys see my apartment like this. They would be here in a half an hour so I got to cleaning.

After twenty minutes I was finally happy with the appearance of my apartment. I sat down on the couch and thought about what I was going to say to him. I must have been thinking for a while because after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. I slowly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw four unknown faces and the face of my best friend. I opened the door and was immediately engulfed in one of his usual Niall hugs. I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled. After a few minutes he pulled away and looked at me. A look of confusion crossed his face and my smile faltered.

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