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     It was 8:30am, abbies alarm sounded loudly waking her up immediately. She groaned and rolled out of bed, she wasn't a morning person, anything but that in fact. She made her way into the bathroom and got washed up before heading back into her room to get changed into something suitable for work but also comfy.

               She left a note of the counter for her brother along with his breakfast, she quickly grabbed a snack  from the bowl on the table and left to head to work

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               She left a note of the counter for her brother along with his breakfast, she quickly grabbed a snack  from the bowl on the table and left to head to work.  It was her first day in the intelligence unit ran by Hank Voight, she knew the unit had a reputation for doing things their own way which was why she wanted to join.  She drove to the district and parked up in the designated area for the team, she jumped out of her car and put on her bitchy face that got her into anywhere.  She grabbed her keys and jacket then walked over to the front door, she smiled at the officers standing outside then walked up the stairs.

            "Ahhh you must be Miller" trudy said as she walked up to the front desk.  Abbie smiled at her, "that's me" she confirmed.  Trudy made small talk with her and handed her a new gun and her badge, she made Abbie sign a load of forms and sheets before taking her up to meet her new team.  "They don't bite I promise, apart from Voight, Voight definitely bites" trudy joked as she lead Abbie upstairs.  Abbie smiled and understood what she meant, when they reached the top of the stairs all eyes were on her.  She scanned the room with a serious face and a half smile, her eyes immediately glued onto a brown haired muscular detective sat in the corner.  The detective smiled at her so she flashed a small smile back before putting on her game face again.

              "This is Miller, you're new member" trudy introduced Abbie to them all.  The team and said hello and that's when Hank surfaced from his office, "welcome to intelligence, you'll be partners with Kevin" hank kept the fist interaction sweet and simple before going back to his office.  Trudy smiled at her then left, the team all stood up to greet her and welcome her into the family.  The girls gave her a hug like friends do, the boys however just shook her hand.  She caught the brown haired detective who she now knew as Jay Halstead looking at her when she wasn't paying attention but when she looked at him he turned away and played it off cool. 

             Hank walked out into the bullpen and explained the case, "7 female DOA's, found in the park on 109th street last night. Suspected drug mule victims, two suspects were seen fleeing from the park in a hurry" he explained briefly before sticking some pictures on the chalk board.  "We got any facial rec?" Kim said with her arms crossed.  Hank shook his head, "two guys suspected of moving 7 girls, someone must've saw something...maybe the people are just scared to talk?" Abbie added.  The team all turned to face her, it was her first hour in the unit and she was getting off on a good foot.  Hank turned his lips down and considered it, "alright, Miller and Atwater go see if anyone's willing to talk" he added before vanishing into his office. Kevin and Abbie nodded then grabbed their jackets, guns and badges ready to leave, they walked out of the bullpen and jay followed her with his eyes. She had a bitchy face but it was like eye candy, she was simply perfection.

"Hello ma'am we're with the CPD, we'd like to ask you a few questions about an incident that happened last night if that's okay?" Abbie said sweetly to a lady who had opened the first door. Kevin was stood behind Abbie and was waiting for a response from the lady in the house, to their surprise they lady was ignorant and she slammed the door in their faces. "Well then" Abbie said as she turned around to follow Kevin out of the gate. "people don't really trust the cops anymore..." Kevin sighed as they walked into the next garden. Just like the first house they got the same reaction, a door slammed in their faces. "Looks like we're gonna be here a while" Abbie sighed as they moved into the next house.

             Hank had told Jay to go downstairs and get the files from trudy so jay done as he was told and left.  "Hey Trudy sarge sent me down for the files you got em?" He said with a wide smile.  Trudy nodded and went into the back.  One of the patrol officers stood nearby saw jay, "hey Halstead, you guys have Miller now don't you?" He said with a smile.  Jay looked confuse but nodded, "yeah we do why?" He said intrigued.  The officer laughed slightly, "oh nothing, she's just a tough one" he replied.  Jay raised his eyebrow, "oh yeah, whys that?" He said with a smile.  The officer scoffed and rolled his head back, "I'll just put it like this, what doesn't kill her better run..." he said with an amused glare.  Jay went to question him further but he was called away.  "Jackson come on" another patrol officer said from the door.  Jay smiled at him and let him leave.  He turned around feeling rather curious about her backstory, "here you go" trudy said with a smile.  Jay nodded and headed back up to the unit with the files in his hands.

               "Ugh this better be good" Kevin scoffed as they trudged up to the last house on the street.  Every other person shut them out and this was their only hope.  "Hello ma'am we're with the CPD. we were wondering if you know anything about an incident that went down last night?" Abbie said with a tired tone. The girl was about the detectives age, she looked hesitant to answer and she kept turning around to look at her boyfriend or some man sat on the couch. Abbie turned to look at Kevin in suspicion, "ma'am if you feel in danger or you can't talk here you can tell us down at the station..." Abbie whispered. The girl sighed and nodded, "hey babe I'm going to the store I'll be back soon" she shouted into the living room before grabbing her jacket and leaving with the detectives.

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