~Feeding Time~

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Lio burst through the door, his weak body almost toppling over. He was panting heavily and staggering ever so often.

He needed blood. IMMEDIATELY.

He used the remaining energy he had left and looked around for his companion. He hoped he was nearby since he was in need of some dire attention. He happened to find Galo in the bedroom, on his phone. 

Galo noticed Lio and gave him his usual grin, but it faded as fast it came.

If Lio didn't have any self control, he would've pounced on Galo by now.

He quickly walked over to Galo and sat on the bed, his body, paler than usual, and tense.


"B-blood." Lio managed to say as he continued to weaken.

With a small gasp, Galo motioned for his little vampire to come sit on his lap, which Lio did almost instinctively.

Though Lio was absolutely ravenous, he still had some decency and didn't want to harm his lover in any way.

"M-may I?"

"Of course, firefly."

With that, he hungrily but gently bent his head to sniff at Galo's neck. The scent almost made him crazy and he quickly but cautiously bit down on his lover's neck, hard enough to draw blood but gently enough for it to not hurt Galo too much.

The blood started to flow and Lio drank, letting out little whimpers. He could feel himself relax and the energy returning to his body, little by little. He swallowed in large gulps and he could feel Galo rubbing his back soothingly, whispering tiny words into his ear.

He suddenly pulled away, not wanting to completely drain Galo. His mind was in a daze and it took him a while to comprehend anything but as soon as he could think clearly, he started panicking, jumping off of Galo's lap.

"G-Galo! I didn't take too much, did I? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, love. I'm fine."

Galo motioned for Lio to sit on him again and the vamp did as he was told, a flush on his white face. He didn't look at his lover, most likely from embarrassment.

"Are you satisfied?"

Lio blushed a bit more. He wasn't entirely full but he definitely didn't want to make Galo weak because of his greediness. However, he knew better than to lie to his beloved. And so, he shook his head.

"You know I don't mind. Take as much as you need," Galo coaxed, bringing Lio's head closer to his neck.

Lio was hesitant but went back to drinking his fill. In all honesty, he would've drank Galo's blood just for the fun of it. If only he didn't need it to survive.

He sighed happily as he drank. Galo's blood was by far the best. Must be because he's a werewolf. Either that or Galo just had a delicacy for a crucial life source.

Lio drank a little bit more until he was completely contented and lapped at the mark he had made on Galo's neck, making him(Galo) groan quietly. When he was finished, he sat back down on Galo and waited for the fluid to digest. While that was happening, Galo decided to talk to him.

"How come you're so hungry today?" he asked, holding Lio's hips firmly.

"I don't know. I was on my way home when I started to feel really thirsty, all of a sudden. I tried to quench it with blood from some rodents and stuff, but that didnt't help that much."

Galo hummed understandingly.

"Do you feel better now?"

Lio nodded with a small smile, making the werewolf grin.

"That's good. I must admit, you do look pretty cute when you drink me down like that~"

Lio burned up, the colour vibrant on his face.

"Well, it's not like I can resist you. You're too sexy~"

Galo was the one to blush now. Lio giggled, seeing how he got a rise on Galo. Galo, out of spite, flipped Lio over so now Galo was on top while Lio was below. He gave a triumphant smirk before kissing his firebug's forehead. Lio wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and hugged him, the favour being returned with big, strong arms. Galo continued to plant kisses all over Lio's face as said boy giggled cutely.

They then nuzzled their noses together and stayed in the warm embrace that eventually lulled them to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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