You Are My Blue

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The best part about living in the city is the aboundenc of people. You take the metro and see a lot of different types of people, young and old, happy and sad, from all kinds of ethnicities.

This was a big deal for Chenle who came from a small town of China a few months ago to study at a korean university. He developped a habit of trying to bild a story to the strangers who were around him. He thought about what their childhood may have been like, about what their job might be or what they are like as a person.

As time went by he got to recognise some of the faces who also took the same line. Among them was jisung. But of course chenle didn't know his name at the time. He caught chenles eyes for his vibrant blue hair. How does he not get in trouble at school for that?Chenle wonderd. Their school would've already detained him if he wasn't following the dresscode. But i guess korean schools might be different or maybe it changed in that one year since my graduation.

He actually didn't look much younger than Chenle, he only knew that he was still in highscool by his once again navi blue uniform. He is probbably trying to look like a kpop idol Chenle thought. He actually could be one whit that face. Not many people could work this coulor the way he does. It's as if it was especially made for him, especially for him to catch Chenle's attention.

As Chenle's usual person analisis thought process was playing he didn't even realise how hard he was stairing at the boy. As if he felt Chenle's eyes on him the boy lifted his head from his phone and confronted the rude pair of eyes staring at him from the seat in front.

Oh, Chenle woke from his awe and turned his head down in embarrassement. When he looked up again he could only see the back of the guy exiting the train and blending into the crowd of people at the stop. Does he think i'm a weirdo? Wait why do i even care? It's not as if this was the first time he met eyes with someone while traped in his imagination. Well at most he won't sit close to me from now on. Interestingly Chenle had a habit of always sitting at about the same place in the metro. When he got to his conclusion the speakers were already warning of the closing of the doors. He swiftly got up and got off.

By the next day Chenle forgot about the incident and was taking his usual ride home when he saw the blue hair appear at the door. To Chenle's big surprise the boy walked straight towards him and despite the fact that there were plenty of other seats he sat right in front of him. He did not pull out his phone instead he sat with his backpack in his lap and was going back and forth from looking at Chenle's face to looking away.

Chenle got tired of pretending like he didn't saw and decided to meet eyes whit him. The boy greeted him with a smile. Chenle also smiled back. Jisung took the chance getting up from his seat and hopping down next to Chenle who was absolutely startled. What even is this guy? Is he like this to everyone?

- Hi! The boy greeted chenle as if it was normal to just go up to strangers like that
- Uh Hello. Chenle answered as he didn't know what else to do.
- i was wondering why you'd stare like that at strangers.
- i was just in an awe yesterday i'm sorry i didn't meant to bother.
- I don't mind but staring at strangers like that is dangereous. From now on stare at only me instead. His cute smile almost made Chenle not realise how weird the thing he said was.
- How is staring at strangers dangereous?
- It can be if a cute person like you does it.
Eww cheesy Chenle tryed to fool himself into not liking it while deep down he was fluttered.
- JISUNG Chenle read out the name tag on his uniform.
- wow you're pretty throughout huh.
- hi Jisung, i'm Chenle.
- okay see you tomorow Chenle. Said Jisung as he got up to leave the exit.

Jisung was not kidding when he said he wanted Chenle to look at him and him only. Since that day he sat next to him every day and made sure he was getting all of Chenle's attention. He had a lot of questions to Chenle and seemed to find everything about him interesting even the most basic things. Jisung talked about how hard senior high is in korea and Chenle opened up about his struggles as a foreigner.

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