Creation (Part 1) - Pit

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Pit had always liked Hermitcraft, ever since she was a little kid. Something about the idea of a survival server with a bunch of close friends had excited her, and she wanted to do something similar when she was older. When she turned 13, she was invited to a server by her friend, and the server was called Builders Unite. There were only about 10 people there, all between the ages of 13 and 18, and while it was a fun server, it had a heavy focus on building, and while Pit loved building and it was part of her, she always felt out of place. She wanted to lead something, she wanted to make change and be part of something big.

After a year of being on that server, she got that opportunity. She had decided to go to the end, craving adventure, as over the past few months she'd been wanting to go somewhere other than just the overworld and nether. She remembered the thrill of pushing each eye into their holes, the satisfaction of seeing them slot into place. She remembered how powerful she felt when the portal lit, and her communicator buzzed with other players asking what that noise was, and the tingling sensation as she fell into a new dimension.

She landed on the obsidian with a thud, as she hastily stood up, nervously bridging over to the main end island, keeping her head low so she wouldn't anger any endermen. She bridged up to the towers, punching it and somehow managing to pull off an MLG and land in water when the crystal knocked her off. She continued doing that, and once she'd finished she began attacking the dragon with her sword, stabbing it viciously, as she felt the blood drip onto her face until it finally erupted into balls of experience, falling around the portal and into its inky depths. She quickly collected the Dragon Egg and jumped into the portal, expecting to see the usual credits for 5 or so minutes.

She ignored the text flashing across her eyes until she noticed her name being mentioned in the discussion, frowning as she started to read.

Maybe she would be a good addition
She has talent certainly
And a desire for adventure
I thought we'd decided against taking players from their servers after-
She seems different. Why not ask if she would like to join our ranks

"What do you mean by that?" she asked nervously, waiting for their response

We are the watchers, and we invite you to join our ranks
It would give you a unique 
opportunity to create change and strive to make servers better

You would have the potential to do everything you ever wanted to do
To help make Minecraft a better place
But it would mean leaving your server

Pit hesitated, biting her lip nervously, because while she loved the server she was in, she wanted something more, and the Watchers seemed to sense that. 

"When would I leave?"


Slowly Pit nodded, taking a slow step towards the watcher fading into view. They had purple wings flung out behind them, catching the wind, and a purple mask covering the top of their face, keeping most of their face in shadow. Pit was tempted to back away, but she resisted that temptation, instead staying where she was, letting the wind whip her face as the watcher drew nearer. Eventually, she saw the Watcher reach out an incorporeal hand, and took it, feeling their hands merge as the world grew more and more out of focus.

A few seconds later she landed on the floor, coughing and feeling slightly disoriented. Her back throbbed with pain just below her shoulder blades, and she shifted uncomfortably, rubbing them slightly. She walked down the hall nervously, glancing around at the tall statues and pictures surrounding her, keeping her head low as she glanced at her reflection in the marbled floor. Her eyes weren't the familiar shade of blue she was used to, looking slightly more purple than normal. Eventually, she reached the end of the hallway, knocking on the wooden door and waiting for an answer.

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