#4 Private Drive

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'Other Voice'
"Two people talking at the same time"
POV Indicator

Harry's POV

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR A PEEP OUT OF YOU, BOY!! NOT EVEN A COUGH!! NOTHING IS RUINING MY MEETING!!" I heard Vernon scream as I went up to my room. 'Well, at least I get more freedom.' I thought to myself. By "freedom" I meant I can walk up to my room on my own, and not have a million locks on my door, but I think it's just easier for Vernon to be able to get up here and beat me quicker. Fat ass...

I can't sleep to pass the time, because I just KNOW I'll wake up screaming from a nightmare. 'You deserve it, though...' 'Oh, brilliant, now I'm hearing fucking VOICES' 'Are you sure you're just hearing things..?' 'What even are you if I'm NOT hearing things?' 'I'm your conscience. I speak the truth, and nothing but the truth.' 'Do I really deserve it..?' 'That's what I said, isn't it? Now, go to bed, and your nightmare won't be too bad.' 'Yeah, no. I ain't doing that shit... I'd prefer to live.'

'Are you sure you ACTUALLY want to live though? Or are you just lying to yourself..?' 'I... I don't... know, honestly...' 'Think about it, you're the cause of your parents' deaths-' 'Shut up...' 'You nearly got Ginny killed along with Hermione-' 'Shut. Up.' 'Hell, you WATCHED CEDRIC DIE, WHEN YOU COULD'VE JUMPED IN FRONT OF HIM AND LET THAT CURSE HIT YOU INSTEAD!!' 'SHUT UP!!' At this point, I was clutching my head to get whatever this voice thing was to shut up. 'You're nothing but a worthless piece of SHIT who can't do anything right!! SAY IT!!' "SHUT. UP!!" I accidentally screamed aloud. 'SHIT-' I thought as I heard Vernon's loud booming voice, "BOY, YOU'VE DONE IT NOW!!" he started. "YOU CHASED THE FUCKING GUESTS AWAY, YOU BRAT!!" 'Have fun~' the voice hissed.

Dudley's POV

"SHUT. UP!!" I heard Harry scream. 'Oh nononononono- Not again! I can't see him beaten to pulp again!' I thought with tears streaming down my face. Mum looked horrified at what Dad would do to Harry. 'WHY DOESN'T MUM JUST LEAVE THAT ABUSIVE ASSHOLE?!' Mum hugged me close, "Shhh... I know, I'll send you up there with bandages after Vernon leaves," I heard her say. "W-why don't you just l-leave him?!" I asked. "Duddy-kins, you know I can't, we'll have nowhere to go, and I doubt Vernon would just hand over custody of Harry, no matter how much proof we have of him abusing your cousin..." Just then, we heard a blood-curdling scream.

Harry's POV

"STOP, PLEASE, IT HURTS!!" I screamed. "Not until you've learned your lesson, boy! And why don't we try a NEW punishment, eh?!" Vernon said as he pulled out a blade and turned me over. He then started making cuts on my right arm. Surprisingly, I don't know why, but I didn't scream. That was, until he belted me again. "THIS WON'T STOP UNTIL YOU SCREAM, FREAK!!" 'Thank the gods that I'm good at acting...' I fake screamed after he let up on the belt and started to cut my arm again. Once he was satisfied, which was surprisingly quick, he turned and left. I laid on the floor, bleeding, until my aunt and cousin entered my room.

Dudley's POV

Once we got to Harry's room, I was heartbroken. My dear cousin lying on the floor, beaten and broken. It was worse than last time, and the time before that. It just got worse everytime. I turned away with a sick expression on my face. I hoped Harry didn't think it was directed towards him, but I just couldn't handle it. That's when Mum noticed the cuts on Harry's right arm. "OH MY GOD, BABY!!" I heard her scream. At this point, I couldn't take it. I ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Harry's POV

I watched as my cousin turned away with a sick expression on his face. I have no idea as to who or what it was directed to. That's when IT came back. 'That look was directed at you, y'know...' 'It... was..?' I winced for a minute as I felt my aunt pick me up to bandage me. 'Obviously. I would too, if I saw that my cousin was that weak. Don't you have magic..? It's there for you to defend yourself, stupid...' 'Yeah, but-' I was pulled out of my thoughts, when I heard Aunt Tunnie scream, "OH MY GOD, BABY!!" as she noticed my right arm littered with cuts. That's when my cousin left the room.

Petunia's POV

Harry looked lost in thought as I patched him up. He winced when I got around to his back. "Sorry, sweetheart..." that's when I saw something horrifying, his right arm littered with fresh cuts. They weren't self-inflicted as he could barely move after every beating, plus his right hand was his dominant hand, or what he calls it, his 'wand hand'. "OH MY GOD, BABY!!" I screamed with tears running down my face. He seemed to have been snapped out of his thoughts when I said that. "Does it hurt?" I asked. He just shook his head, and said, "Aunt Tunnie, is it bad if when he was cutting my arm I didn't scream..? I actually felt a little relieved..." I gasped. 'No...' I thought with tears streaming down my face. 'Shit, he might start self-harming if he felt relieved! No, no, nonononono NO! HOW COULD I HAVE LET HIM GET THIS LOW?!' "Harry, look at me..." I started, "Harry, I want you to tell me if you ever get the urge to hurt yourself, okay..?" I waited for a reply, and all I got was a faint head nod. "Please, talk..." I waited for a response. "O-okay, I w-will, Aunt Tunnie..." he said. "Good. Now, get some rest, okay..? I'll let you rest all day tomorrow, and the next day I'll see how I can get you to Diagon Alley, alright..?" "A-alright..." Harry faintly replied.

Harry's POV

I tried to get some sleep like Aunt Tunnie asked, but whenever I closed my eyes, all I could hear were the words, 'Kill the spare...' and, 'AVADA KEDAVRA!!' I hate this... the voice is right, I should have jumped in front of Cedric. I should've taken the hit. 'Hey~' Speak of the devil. Fuck, it's back... 'What?' 'Why don't you check your bathroom for some razor blades..?' 'And why the HELL would I do that?!' 'You felt relieved when your uncle was cutting your arm, didn't you..?' 'I mean, I guess I could- NO. I'm going to Aunt Tunnie!' 'No you won't. You do realize she doesn't care, right..? She just feels pity for you. Same with your cousin. Your uncle is the only one who's being honest and showing you what you truly are...' 'A...a...' 'A..?' 'A... freak...' 'There we go! Now, go find a blade! I'm sure you'll be able to!'

I made my way to the bathroom, and looked through the drawers of the sink for anything sharp that's pocket-sized. That's when I found a spare pack of razor blades for Vernon's shaver. 'Grab five. You have to take some to Hogwarts, don't you?' 'Alright...' I grabbed five blades, went back to my room, and put four in a small container. I would spell it shut at Hogwarts, as I can't do magic outside of school. Then, I took the last blade, and made a single cut on my left arm.
A/N: Hi guys! So, this is my first time making a fanfic, so let me know what I can improve on! I'll take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! Hope you enjoyed!

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