𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦

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Olivia and I walked up to the entrance of the strip club.
Waiting at the door was the bouncer to let people in.

"Can I see your ID's ladies?"

Olivia pulls hers out and shows it first then I showed mine.

"Alright, you two are free to come in."

He opened the door and the loud sound of music blasted. We both walked in I instantly saw naked men.
My face turned bright red and I looked away.

"What are we supposed to do here I've never been to a strip club before." I loudly spoke to Olivia.

"I have, just go to the bar and get something to drink."

I was about to question her when she answered for me.

"Don't ask, desperate times lead to desperate decisions." "I'll keep an eye out and look for other William."

I gave her a thumbs up and waltzed on over towards the bar.
There were some women at the bar but most of them were watching the main show.

I sat down in and waited for the bartender.

"And what can I get for you beautiful?"

I looked up at the bartender who was looking me up and down.

"Yes, do you know someone here who goes by Dave Miller?" I asked.

The guy frowned.
"Darn I wish you were going to ask for me cause you're absolutely beautiful."

The guy leaned closer to me and I just backed up not interested.

"Thanks, I guess, but do you know Dave Miller?" I asked once more.

He ignored me and kept getting into my personal space.

"You know I can have someone else take over my shift and you and I can go into the back."

Okay, this guy was getting creepy.
I tried looking around for Olivia so that she could help me.

"I'm not interested now can you get out of my personal space."

The bartender continued to lean closer to me to the point where he was leaning over the counter.

"Jack why don't you back off!" A man yelled.

The bartender, Jack, moved away from me and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever old man."

I turned around to see the man who told Jack to back off.
When I did I sort of regretted it.

It was like a 60-year-old man not wearing a shirt but he had a purple tie on. But he did have pants on at least.

"Sorry about him darling he can get like that."

Hmm, odd something about that voice sounded familiar.
It was an old raspy voice with a slight accent to it.

"It's okay but thank you for helping me."

"Your welcome darling but I heard you ask him a question maybe I can answer it for you."

I nodded my head.
"Yeah he kept ignoring it but I was wondering if he knew someone here named Dave Miller."

Then the guy chuckled.

"Well you're in luck, I'm Dave Miller."

My eyes went wide.
Oh well shit, I found the guy I was looking for but not in the best way.

"Ah, how lucky I am, in that case how have you've been, William."

Dave's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.
He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me off of the bar stool.

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