The Friend.

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My hand is right there
Stretched out in front of you
But your palms are to sweaty
Maybe your hands are not long enough
I have courage, I have a light
But you call yourself tainted
I'm still behind you waiting
For you to look back
For you to look up
For you to accept
For you to realise that no lesson needs to be learnt.
I know you are strong
I know tainted is not who you are
You are my light
And it would be my pleasure to be yours
Just hold that hand
I won't let go
I won't let go
I won't let go
I'll carry you across the mile
Until you start to reflect the light
So you can see
See, finally instead of just look
At the beauty they could never touch
The spark they couldn't extinguish
I want to tell you that they will never matter
And to me, they don't
But they are a part of what happened
Demons that won't let you go
But you don't have to let them hold you
I am there
I am there
I am there.
I'm not a savior-
But I will be your friend.

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