A Purrfect Situation

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Shoto's POV

"Shoto Todoroki, please come to Recovery Girl's office."

I squinted at the speakers while tilting my head to the side.

"Looks like you better go, Todoroki." Izuku pointed out and I nodded.

"I guess I'll be back then." I said while pushing my seat out. I got up and started to walk out of the cafeteria. I walked down the hall to Recovery Girl's office and soon found myself standing in front of her door. I knocked to make myself known.

"It's Shoto." I quietly said before the door opened and someone yelled.

"Wait, come back!" A high pitched voice called out. I was about to ask why when something pounced on my face. I stood there in shock and held my hands up to my face slowly.

"Ah, Todoroki. Sorry for calling you in so suddenly. Please come in." I heard Recovery Girl's voice and was soon pulled into the room. I finally reached up properly and pulled the thing off my face. My brows furrowed when I looked at a tiny cat in my hands. It was white with red splotches everywhere and two coloured eyes. This kitten reminded me of Eimi, but like, a cat.


"Oh sorry. That cat right there is Eimi." Recovery Girl stated and my eyes widened.

I held out the cat and looked into her eyes.

"Eimi?" I quietly asked. I didn't even have to wait for a response before the cat mewled at me with sparkling eyes. My eyes trailed over to Recovery Girl only to see a small girl standing beside her. The girl looked down while kicking her feet slightly. I stood quietly while Eimi crawled up my arm and onto my shoulders. She nuzzled her nose into my neck and curled up on my shoulder.

"Uh, ummm..." A small voice squeaked out and I looked over to the girl.

"I'm so sorry. I bumped into her outside near a cafe and my quirk activated. I can turn others into the last animal they were thinking about and the transformation lasts either an hour or 24 hours. Again, I am so so sorry!" The girl bowed.

"How did you know to come here though?" I asked, confused how she thought of bringing her here and not to a police station. The girl looked up at me with a small smile.

"Oh, that's easy. I recognized her uniform, and I remember her from the Sports Festival. As well as you! You guys were great!" The girl smiled while clapping her hands together. I nodded my head and the girl soon left. I looked at Recovery Girl to see what I should do and she waved me off.

"Her mind is that of a cats, all she knows is instinct and since you're her brother, I was guessing that she would feel safe with you." She said while clearing some papers off her desk. "And by the looks of it, my hypothesis was correct. So you are to take care of her until she turns back, okay? I have already informed Aizawa about this, so you should be fine."

"Okay. Thank you for your time." I bowed slightly only to stop as Eimi rolled off my shoulder, woke up and quickly caught herself with her claws on my uniform. I quickly grabbed her little cat body and supported her with my hands. Her claws retracted and she let go of my uniform. I held her close to my chest and was about to leave when I was stopped.

"Don't forget her clothes." Recovery Girl said while handing me a bag that I assumed was holding Eimi's clothes. I took the bag in one hand and held Eimi with the other. She sat there quietly while looking around in awe at the place around her. Her eyes were huge as she looked around.

I think she got scared half way back to the cafeteria because she squeaked and tried to bury herself in my chest, only to fail and hold on for dear life as she looked around with her fur spiked up. I stood to the side of the hall and carefully put the bag down. I tried petting her head to see if that would calm her down, but it didn't seem to work.

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