Narrator: Ah yes it's the first day back to school after their summer break. And the group of friends are coming early as usual.
(In Jenna and Jamiyah mom's car 7:30am)
Jenna: Ugh another day, another migraine.
Jamiyah: I wish we was back on that vacation.
Jenna and Jamiyah's Mom: Vacation time is over, time for school!
Jenna and Jamiyah: *makes a angry face*
(At the school 7:35am)
Natasha: Hey guys long time no see.
Jenna: Hey! Where's Kyra and Kayshawn?
Natasha: They went for some mango.
Jamiyah: Oh yeah! It's mango season!
Jenna: That makes more sense!
*Kyra and Kayshawn walks in*
Kyra: Omg, it's my bestie! *while running towards her with a hand full of mango*
Jenna: Hey girl! I missed you!
Kyra: I miss you more! Hey Jamiyah.
Jamiyah: Hey Kyra, hey Kayshawn.
Kayshawn: Sup.
Narrator: While the friends were chatting in the classroom, a new teacher arrives.
Mrs. Sedrick: Morning class, I'm your new teacher.
*Everyone stares in confusion*
Jamiyah: New teacher? *while whispering*
Jenna: Where's Ms. Goods?
Natasha: She's the 1st grade teacher now.
Kayshawn: Woah, for real?
Kyra: But she's suppose to be our teacher?
Natasha: Well things change.
Jenna: *gets angry*
Natasha: Why are you mad?
Jamiyah: She was trying to be nice and helpful to Ms. Goods so when it was time for us to come in this class, she would be nice to her.
Kyra: *laughs*
Kayshawn: Oh guys! Before the second bus comes, I want to tell you guys some exciting news!
Kyra: What is it? *with her eyes lit up*
Natasha: Yeah what is it?
Kayshawn: I have a crush on someone special.
Jamiyah: Ohh who is it?
Kyra: Do we know her? *while her heart is beating faster and faster*
Kayshawn: Yeah! It's Amelia
*Everyone stares him down*
Jenna: Woah.
Jamiyah: Her?
Natasha: Um, I happy for you...
Kyra: Let's just be happy for him. After all were all friends. *with a trembling voice*
Kayshawn: Thanks Kyra. *hugs Kyra*
Kyra: That's what friends are for. *with a sad face*
Narrator: The bus has arrived and the group of friends are excited to see their other friends.
Denise: Jamiyah!
Jamiyah: NiNi!
Daniyah: Tashi!
Natasha: Niyah!
Narrator: It was the other twin besides Jenna and Jamiyah. They were Denise and Daniyah.
*Other kids walk in*
Mrs. Sedrick: Good morning class, I will be your 6 grade teacher for the whole school year.
Narrator: The whole school day long but they made it.
(Next day at school 7:37am)
Narrator: Jenna and Jamiyah came from the first bus and now heading to class where Natasha, Kyra and Kayshawn will be.
Jenna: Morning guys.
Natasha, Kyra and Kayshawn: Hey.
Jamiyah: How's it going?
Kyra: Nothing much just chilling.
*Knock, knock*
Natasha: Come in!
Principal Cole: Good morning students, you're here early.
Kayshawn: Really?
Principal Cole: If you guys keep this up and your attendance, you'll get a certificate for this.
Jamiyah: Woah, cool!
Principal Cole: Yes! And I came to tell you guys we have assembly in half an hour, so start getting ready. *while leaving the classroom*
Jenna: He's right! We're always early for some reason.
Natasha: We are like the early birds of the school.
Kayshawn: Lol, for real.
Jamiyah: And we're also like family!
Kyra: Yeah! I guess we're the early birds now!
Natasha: Since we're here early like all the time, we could make our own adventure!
Jenna: Yeah!
Kayshawn: Oh crap! The second bus is coming!
Jamiyah: Oh geez and assembly gonna start.
Kyra: Let's go!
Natasha: We gotta be as early as we can be!
Narrator: So the early birds run as fast so they can be early.

The Early Birds
AdventureA group of five friends who are always early for school are bored of always being early, so they make their own little adventure.