Chapter 1: As early as we can be

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Narrator: Ah yes it's the first day back to school after their summer break.  And the group of friends are coming early as usual. 

(In Jenna and Jamiyah mom's car 7:30am)

Jenna: Ugh another day, another migraine.

Jamiyah: I wish we was back on that vacation.

Jenna and Jamiyah's Mom: Vacation time is over, time for school!

Jenna and Jamiyah: *makes a angry face*

(At the school 7:35am)

Natasha: Hey guys long time no see.

Jenna: Hey! Where's Kyra and Kayshawn?

Natasha: They went for some mango.

Jamiyah: Oh yeah! It's mango season!

Jenna: That makes more sense!

*Kyra and Kayshawn walks in*

Kyra: Omg, it's my bestie! *while running towards her with a hand full of mango*

Jenna: Hey girl! I missed you!

Kyra: I miss you more! Hey Jamiyah.

Jamiyah: Hey Kyra, hey Kayshawn.

Kayshawn: Sup.

Narrator: While the friends were chatting in the classroom, a new teacher arrives.

Mrs. Sedrick: Morning class, I'm your new teacher.

*Everyone stares in confusion*

Jamiyah: New teacher? *while whispering*

Jenna: Where's Ms. Goods?

Natasha: She's the 1st grade teacher now.

Kayshawn: Woah, for real?

Kyra: But she's suppose to be our teacher?

Natasha: Well things change.

Jenna: *gets angry*

Natasha: Why are you mad?

Jamiyah: She was trying to be nice and helpful to Ms. Goods so when it was time for us to come in this class, she would be nice to her.

Kyra: *laughs*

Kayshawn: Oh guys! Before the second bus comes, I want to tell you guys some exciting news!

Kyra: What is it? *with her eyes lit up*

Natasha: Yeah what is it?

Kayshawn: I have a crush on someone special.

Jamiyah: Ohh who is it?

Kyra: Do we know her? *while her heart is beating faster and faster*

Kayshawn: Yeah! It's Amelia

*Everyone stares him down*

Jenna: Woah.

Jamiyah: Her?

Natasha: Um, I happy for you...

Kyra: Let's just be happy for him. After all were all friends. *with a trembling voice*

Kayshawn: Thanks Kyra. *hugs Kyra*

Kyra: That's what friends are for. *with a sad face*


Narrator: The bus has arrived and the group of friends are excited to see their other friends.

Denise: Jamiyah!

Jamiyah: NiNi!

Daniyah: Tashi!

Natasha: Niyah!

Narrator: It was the other twin besides Jenna and Jamiyah. They were Denise and Daniyah.

*Other kids walk in*

Mrs. Sedrick: Good morning class, I will be your 6 grade teacher for the whole school year.

Narrator: The whole school day long but they made it.

(Next day at school 7:37am)

Narrator: Jenna and Jamiyah came from the first bus and now heading to class where Natasha, Kyra and Kayshawn will be.

Jenna: Morning guys.

Natasha, Kyra and Kayshawn: Hey.

Jamiyah: How's it going?

Kyra: Nothing much just chilling.

*Knock, knock*

Natasha: Come in!

Principal Cole: Good morning students, you're here early.

Kayshawn: Really?

Principal Cole: If you guys keep this up and your attendance, you'll get a certificate for this.

Jamiyah: Woah, cool!

Principal Cole: Yes! And I came to tell you guys we have assembly in half an hour, so start getting ready. *while leaving the classroom*

Jenna: He's right! We're always early for some reason.

Natasha: We are like the early birds of the school.

Kayshawn: Lol, for real.

Jamiyah: And we're also like family!

Kyra: Yeah! I guess we're the early birds now!

Natasha: Since we're here early like all the time, we could make our own adventure!

Jenna: Yeah!


Kayshawn: Oh crap! The second bus is coming!

Jamiyah: Oh geez and assembly gonna start.

Kyra: Let's go!

Natasha: We gotta be as early as we can be!

Narrator: So the early birds run as fast so they can be early.


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