Just a Story

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Silence filled the flat terrain as the sun fell in the distance. The gentle breeze brushed against the leaves of the trees that tower over the canal that ran through the terrain. The silence was then broken by the clatter of horses, as a formation of three sped across the terrain and into the forest. The area around once lit up by the moon now hold a bright red colors as flares shot up into the sky, luminanating the forest which can be seen miles away. "Gettyup!" The girl flicked the rains of the horse, pushing the animal to go faster. "Captain, I think we lost them!" The man on the left of her yelled up. "Keep your distance! Dont stop!" The girl yelled back. There was another girl on her right, riding beside Captain Diana Dawson drawing her flare and fired a purple flare, "That's my last one!" She yelled over to Diana. That girl is named Gabby Drowl, one of the captains personal best friends. Holding onto Gabby, was a man who lost his left leg, and his sight. His fame was Richard Dawson. "Are we home yet?" He asked. Diana looked back at the two, she couldn't help but think that her brother was gonna die. She held back her tears as she said calmly, "Yes, were almost back to Trost, Rick." She called him Rick for short, shes been doing that since their 12 birthday. She often remembers back to that day. She remembers it like it happened yesterday. She always loved remembering back when she was a kid, back before the military. Before the wall fell. Another red flare lit up the sky, bringing her back to reality. The flare flew straight over them, lighting up the path. As it did so, a large hand swept up the soldier to the right, he screamed and dissapeared into the forest. "Holly shit!" Gabby yelled grabbing Richards gear, securing him as she snapped the reins. "They must have shot black flares, because these are abnormal!" Diana yelled over to Gabby. "Are they fucking stupid?!" Diana turned to her, "Dosent matter, we need to get out of this forest if we want to live!" Just as she said that, three abnormal beasts ran straight towards them. They both pulled back on the rains, Gabby lost his grip on Richard and fell with a thud. "Please!" He yelled, "I dont wanna die!" One of the beasts lunged out towards them before a spray of blood squirts from his neck and falls sliding into one of the trees in a cloud of steam. Diana landed infront of them drawing new swords from her ODM gear as Gabby threw Richard over her shoulders. "We cant outrun them!" Gabby said. "We can try!" Diana yelled, "Run as far as you can, I'll cover you!" Gabby started running as Diana grappled around them, slicing down every Titan that jumped at them. She knew how to fight, infect, she should've joined the Military Police for how good she was in the Training Corps. But she followed her brother and his dream to join The Survey Corps. We all warned him about the military, and that it's nothing that he hoped or dreamed for. Now look at him. Her thought broke as a beast lunged towards her, grabbing onto the grapplers forcing her into the ground. The abnormal pulled on the grapples, dragging her towards it. She tried desperately to free herself from the ODM gear, looking back at Gabby and Richard. Titans were beginning to surround them. Gabby set Richard against a tree and fought before she was grabbed and eaten. Freeing herself at last, Diana ran towards Richard. Gabby can still be heard screaming as the Titan tore her apart. Her legs and left arm gone. The titan picked her up and swallowed her. Tears flooded down Diana's cheeks as she eventually got to Richard, picking him up, and running. "I have you little brother! I have yo-" she stopped. She noticed his lack of movement. She couldn't believe it. As the titans surrounded her, she checked Richard's pulse. She fell to her knees crying. He must have bleed out while they were running! What was she going to tell mom and dad? She promised to protect him with her life, and here he lays dead. She looked up at the sky and cried. She figured she may as well let herself get eaten. Sheet her parents down... she let everyone down. She held her brother close as the Titans surrounded her, closing her eyes. A flare bursts above her, and all of a sudden, blood sprays from the Titans as they fell one by one. Around 17 horses and two buggies carried wounded soldiers halted infront of her. She looked up, blood stained her uniform. "You guys are way off course." A man on a horse approached her. He looked down at her, "Wheres your gear?" She stayed silence. Tears still streaming down her face. "Cut it out Levi, shes been through enough." Another man said approaching them, "Come, were heading back to Trost. The mission is terminated." She nodded and climbed up on the wagon, still holding her brother.
I still remember the look on her face when we found her. I remember having to be the one interviewing her and being the one to write to her parents about Richard. A miss interpretation of flares got them lost. In about a week she lost a piece of her mind, and was eventually locked up. Last week I went in to check on her, and she hung herself on the window with the bed sheets. Levi was the one writing the letter, while I was the one delivering it. I knocked on the door, it was the mother that answered. At the sight of me, she already knew what I was about to say. "Come in." She said. I could tell by the sound of her voice she was fighting off tears. She sat me down and poured me a cup of coffee. She sat at the other end of the table. "My husband is at work in the market." I looked up from my cup, "She was a good soldier." I said, "She graduated 3rd in her class." The mother nodded, taking a handkerchief and wiping her eyes, "I'm sorry." She says. I sat in silence. "I haven't gotten your name, miss." She continued. I took a sip of the tea and replied, "Mikasa Ackerman." There were no other words said from the woman. I left, leaving her the letter from Levi. There are times where I remember that story and I almost feel sorry for Diana. But we all lost someone close to us. Theres no excuse, it's just the way of life. No matter what world we live in, we are always born to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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