CHAPTER 1 Green Eyes.

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"Do you have that one song by Dogface Thirty?" the girl tilted her overly tanned face and gave me a patronising smile as she hollered up at me, one high- heeled toe tapping on the steps leading up to my booth.

"I'm sure you have heard it. You know, where he says in the chorus 'I wanna bounce your big -----'"

"yeah, I got it." I interrupted with a polite smile in return. I hated that song and its misogynistic, stupid lyrics but that didn't matter.

"I'll cue it up to play as soon as I can fit it in."

"you really should. People want to hear that one and sooner than later. Oh, and here." She dug into her purse and flipped through the massive wad of cash. Peeled off and tossed a single dollar bill on the corner of my equipment. The she waggled her fingers and walked away swaying hips encased in the tightest short skirt I'd seen so far tonight.

"thanks so much" I said to her retreating her figure fighting the urge to roll my eyes for her cheap tip. Oh, well.. she didn't have to me anything at all so I guess it was better than nothing.

Since she didn't hear me or didn't care about the edge of sarcasm in my tone, having disappeared back into the sweaty, raving crowd which was currently tangled and dancing to the deep thrumming bass blasting out of my speakers.

I popped my headphones back on and transitioned to the next song, a dub step that recently came out and hitting the indie charts big time. While the few of the club's patron were full of themselves like the lovely Oompa-Loompa chick, most of them were awesome and enjoyed my varied music mix. They would shimmy up to my table, drinks in hand and smiles on their faces and toss me a ten for just playing a song they love. Being here makes my weekend nights fly by.

I had to admit there was something hypnotic and empowering about being the person to brings dancer to a fevered pitch. Whenever I deejayed here and fed the crowd's craving for good music, we connected in a way. Something I didn't allow myself on campus or anywhere else. Up here I could watch them without actually being a part of their chaos.

I took a swig of the dregs of my lemon water, fanning my pain blue tank top to cool the streams of sweat slipping down my torso. Gently, so my shirt wouldn't pull out of my waistband and show my stomach. The Mask, one of the most popular dance clubs in this area typically heated up fast due to being packed but tonight is warmer than normal. Only an hour into my gig and I already dying in these clothes. Perhaps if my outfit were smaller and sheerer like the other girls' I wouldn't be sweating like this. No way in hell that was gonna happen though.

Justin, one of the bartenders strolled over to me bearing a fresh glass of lemon water.

"here you go, Casey." He said with a friendly smile. His red tipped hair was styled to perfection and he wore a slim fitted black tee and skinny jeans. Smart guy, playing up his trim body. He was gay but had no problem flirting with anyone to get a bigger tip.

"oh. Youre psychic." I replied him. Tugging out an ice cube and rubbing it across the back of my neck. My hair was pulled up but the thick tip of my ponytail clung to my wet skin.

"it's extra hot in here tonight." I complained.

"Sal said the conditioner is on the frizz." He snorted.

"Let's see how long it takes him to get it fixed."

"probably never." I chuckled.

"he'll make more money off these people by keeping them sweaty and thirsty. Clever man." I agreed on it.

When I answered the ad in the paper three months ago, looking for a part time Dj in an upcoming dance club close to my campus, Sal had intently struck me as a savvy businessman. Short, squat and completely unapologetic for his brashness. Sal, had taken one look at me. Rubbed a thick hand over his bald head and said "youre a dj? Aren't you abit too young, sweetheart?" yeah. I looked younger than a freshly minted twenty one year old which made it hard for people to take me seriously. But when I assisted my older cousin John two years ago as he deejayed a distant relative wedding, I instantly hooked. I saved up my spare money for several months to buy my own refurbed equipment and music and started working with him regularly doing parties and other gigs.

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