To the Beginning

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As I was trav'ling one day

A bearded man called my way.

"Would you like to Time Travel?

"And see secrets unravel?"

I really didn't want to

But decided not to argue

So with a sigh I got in,

To be met by a toothful grin

"So, where to?" Time passed.

I thought, then said at last,

"Take me to the beginning of Time"

He said "OK! Travel Clock soon will chime."

I wondered what he meant

But then off we went!

We traveled through time,

And then I heard the chime.

"Here we are." He said,

"Come out—go ahead!"

So I got out

And looked about.

"But," I said. "it's all dark!

"Perhaps, we missed our mark?"

"You wanted the beginning of time,"

Time Trav'ler said while munching a lime.

Well, I suppose this is how it should be.

But I'd expected something more eerie.

Like aquatic or something.

Not all this cosmic nothing!

In the silence, a Voice was heard,

I craned to harken every word

"Let there be light!" It boomed.

Light then blossomed and bloomed.

I was nearly blinded by the light.

Compared to darkness, it was so bright!

Then sometime later as the night fell,

I began to wish for a hotel.

This was not what I had been taught!

I wondered if I had been caught

By a stupidly crazy joke

Lain down by this time trav'lin' bloke

Then when the bright dawn arose,

I got up and blew my nose.

It can get chilly lying here,

With nothing but cold far and near.

There wasn't even wind of any kind

To blow my old, confused little mind.

"Let there be a firmament!

"And do make it permanent!"

The Voice startled me.

Could it really be?

Puffy clouds appeared in the sky,

There was no need to wonder why.

On the following day, day number three,

I looked at the surroundings around me.

It was all brown, nothing green.

No plants, not even a bean!

Time Traveling: To the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now