Midnight Comforts

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Steve had spent the night in Natasha's room, growing closer after bringing Wanda back with them. Both were awakened by screaming.

"Steve," Natasha groaned, disturbed from her sleep.

"I did it yesterday, it's your turn," Steve mumbled into his pillow.

"Well then, this will be the last night you spend in here."

That was enough to get Steve out of bed, though he sighed deeply to show Natasha his displeasure. He quickly made his way to check on Wanda.

"Wanda! Wanda, wake up! It's just a dream," Steve soothed as Wanda opened her tear-filled eyes to his shaking. After a few seconds, she calmed down and glanced at the alarm clock. It was almost 1 am.

"Shit, Steve. I'm sorry I woke you up, I—" Steve interrupted her.

"No, Wanda, it's okay. Of course, this was going to happen. I didn't even think. I am sorry. I should've—" Wanda interrupted him this time.

"There's nothing you could've done. You can't really stop nightmares. It's okay. I should've warned all of you—"

"No, Wanda. It's okay. Just calm down. Shh." Steve held her while she cried out the last of her tears. He was such a good guy, she thought, praying Hydra wouldn't hurt him or anyone else on the team.

"Do you want to go to the TV room? We can stay up and watch some movies. I can get Nat. Whatever you want," Steve offered, willing to stay up all night for her. What happened to the lights out at 10 rule? No, she couldn't let him. These nightmares wouldn't stop any time soon. He couldn't stay up with her every night. Her sleep schedule was already messed up; she didn't want to ruin his too.

"No, Steve, it's okay. I should get some sleep and so should you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Thanks though."

"Any time."

Steve left, and Wanda lay there in her bed, knowing sleep was unlikely. By 4:47 am, she had given up and decided to get some hot chocolate from the kitchen. There, she found Tony making coffee.

"Hey. Couldn't sleep?" he asked, spotting her.

"Maybe I'm just an early bird," she responded, not wanting to admit her sleep issues. They might want to put her on meds or get her a psychiatrist.

Tony scoffed. "Never heard of a teenager waking up early."

"Well, I'm not your average teen, am I?"

"Touché. So, coffee or tea?"

"Neither. Hot chocolate, please."

Tony made them both a drink. "So, early morning or late night?" Wanda asked, trying to make small talk.

"Late night. Don't really sleep much."

"Me neither." The conversation veered toward the mundane, but she was grateful when Tony returned to his workshop, sparing her further small talk.

The day passed without incident, but at night, Wanda lay in bed, sleepless. Natasha entered her room silently, tucking her in and leaving a stuffed bunny beside her—a toy Wanda had tossed aside on her first day. After Natasha left, Wanda hugged the bunny, feeling a small comfort.

By 1 am, tears were streaming down her face again. Desperate for a distraction, she headed to the kitchen for tea and encountered Bucky.

"Hey," he greeted her, noticing her distress.

"Nightmares?" he asked when she didn't respond. "Hydra messed me up too, Wanda. You're not alone. Nat and I, we've been through it. It gets better."

His words offered some comfort, and they spent the night talking. Bucky made her feel less alone, and the following nights brought more shared time in the TV room, sometimes with Natasha and Steve joining.

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