Welcome and Instructions

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We are back! After the fun we had writing our first collaborative work, @JJSin2020 and @claudia21742 (a.k.a. Shinigami2174) want to invite you to participate in our second Prompt Request Fest! The winner gets a short story (you know short is a relative word) written by JJSin2020 and Shinigami2174 (collaboratively). Again, we'll be your writing slaves, you just need to tell us what your heart really wants in a story. Let us know what you want (Omega verse, Vampire, Fantasy, Science Fiction, SMUT, Fluff, tops, bottoms, how you want their name spelt, etc.) and we will write that tailor-made story for you. Remember, it can either be a WYB/XZ story or a WWX/LWJ story.  

If you haven't had a chance yet, you can check out Cabin Fever which was the first prompt fic story that we wrote.


1) Your prompt must include the word "bite". For example, Xiao Zhan took a bite of his lunch. Of course we know you'll come up with something far better.

2) The prompt must be posted in the comments' section of this book we created for February's Prompts.

3) Share the info, the more the merrier! Please, tag at least 3 people so they can have the chance of sharing their awesome ideas with us.  Share it on your MB, share it with your friends... share it with everyone, because sharing is caring and we need more of that in this world!


Prompt Request Fest 2Where stories live. Discover now