You Can Go...

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Lexa sat in next to Clarke's bed silently watching as the machine helped her breath, as she heard the beeping of the monitor telling her that her girlfriends heart was still beating. As the tears slid down her face she got up and kissed the blondes forehead before standing all the way up and trying to leave the room. When she swore she heard her voice.

' Lex...I don't know what to do...tell me what I should do'

Lexa slowly turned around looking at her limp Girlfriend looking at the rise and fall of her chest, before she slowly sat down and took a moment to breath, she let the tears fall down her face.

" You know, I lied before...." Lexa started, taking Clarke's limp hand in her own not able to look at her face.

" I lied about where I saw you for the first time.. You know originally I said that I saw you for the first time at that small little coffee shop in the middle of town but....but I lied." Lexa sniffled and looked at the ceiling hoping the tears wouldn't drop.

" The first time I saw was a Tuesday November 13, 2016 to be exact, and I had, brought a book back to the library to return it, and on my way to the front desk I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, sitting at a table with her blonde locks up in a bun with a few strings falling, she was wearing a black T-shirt that said ACDC on it, and light blue skinny jeans, but what really caught my eye about this girl was her beautiful Ocean and sky mixed eyes. They were just...they were just perfect. And I knew from the moment I saw you I had to have you or I'd die, I was to shy to walk up to you that day but I knew...I knew that I was gonna get to know you. I had to. And then we meet at that coffee shop where you accidentally spilled your coffee all over my white button up." Lexa smiled at the memory before continuing.

" Then, then we hit it off from there. Of coarse you were bold and ask for my number and we went on from there, At first I was to scared to text you, but over time I realized I had to make the first I did and I asked you to dinner and it was amazing, you wore...this beautiful blue dress that hugged your hips and brought out your eyes, and your hair was down but slightly were were so beautiful that night."

" A few months later I asked you to be my girlfriend...I was petrified when you actually said yes." Lexa laughed, " And not even 3 weeks later you whispered that you loved me....and I knew from then on nothing could ever be bad because I had you by my side... So here's what I have to say.....I love you Clarke, and I want you to fight, I want you to fight like hell to live. And I know, I know you lost both of your parents at a young age and you may not think you have much to live for. But you do, I want you. But...I love you....and....and I love you enough to let you go....If you...If you are hurting right now...I want you to know that it's okay." Lexa started to sob hating the words that were coming out of her mouth.

" I want you to know...If you wanna go. I want you to know that it's okay, it's okay I understand. You can go. I don't want you to but....If you wanna go you can. I won't be mad baby..." Lexa rested her head on Clarke's thigh sobbing quietly taking in the moment that she will have to let Clarke go.

" Mrs. Woods....We've come to take the air vent out of her." Lexa rose her head looking to the nurse.

" What? What does that mean?" Lexa furred her brow not bothering to wipe her tears.

" Once we take the tube out...we will be able to see if she can breath on her own..and if she can that's great she won't need it anymore. But..."

" But what?" Lexa asked getting mad.

" But if she doesn't respond we aren't aloud to put her on the vent anymore. It's in her papers if she doesn't respond then we have to let her go..." The nurse explained

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