Chapter 1

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It was hot. Hot as all hell and the humid air around me seemed to touch me in all sorts of uncomfortable manners. I tossed and turned but to no avail. Even trying to flip my pillow over to the "cold" side but there was no such thing. Florida heat was definitely something out of the devils playbook. Frustrated, I turned yet again to glance at the time.

3.50 AM.

Between the jetlag and these absurd temperatures, there was no point in trying to get anymore sleep in tonight. Clad in my pajama shorts and my thin zip up hoodie, I jumped out of bed in a huff and left the beautiful beach house that belonged to my elder sister's exotic boyfriend to feel the breeze of the ocean air that was thankfully only a three minute walk away.

Once there I took off my flip flops to feel the cooler than me sand between my toes then sat cross legged to watch the waves come to and fro . Reaching into my pocket for my earphones and my phone , I realized one of the two was missing. I was always leaving those earphones in the weirdest of places. I'd even found them in the kitchen sink before. No matter. I'd simply play my favorite Hozier song on speaker . As the melodious voice of the siren of a man that was Hozier soothed my heart and mind, a voice spoke out from the shadows and scared the genuine shit out of me.

" You shouldn't be making this much noise this late at night"

I screamed.

The voice in the dark sighed and spoke again "That's not helping anyone"

Was that a threat? Oh hell. Was this how I met my end?

" Who the hell are you?" I hissed in the voices general direction.

"I should be the one asking you that, " the voice paused to chuckle, "considering that this is my spot on the beach at such hours. What's your name?"

"I'll tell you as soon as I can see you" I whispered

" Oh now you consider your volume..." the voice chuckled again. The laugh was deep and sonorous, almost musical.

A tall boy -almost a man- around my age stepped into the light.

Beautiful. That would be the most apt description for him. With dark eyes shaped by even darker brows that went well along with his strong jaw and brown hair that was tied back into a tiny ponytail. He was delectable and I could feel my mouth start to water but that did not take away from the fact that I might have been in danger. My eyes darted around, wondering what would be the best option for escape. He was dressed in black shorts and a matching hoodie, for a moment there, I wondered how he could manage such an outfit in such heat. Was it for camouflage?

" Now will you tell me your name?"

"Joy." My voice was calm and stable however I was anything but that. I didn't even think of the possible repercussions of giving a complete stranger I'd just met my real name. This boy had all my senses on edge. I'd eat him like a snack bar if I could. Hmm, I bet he smelled good.

I didn't need to wonder about that long as he moved to sit right beside me and did indeed smell edible. Some expensive cologne that smelt like the woods and mint.

" Wont you ask me mine?" his gaze was focused straight ahead, watching the waves as I'd been before he disturbed my peace. Having been so distracted by his appearance, I had completely forgotten what we were talking about.

"Your what?" My eyebrows furrowed in clear confusion.

" My name, Joy." He turned to me for a moment with a clear look of amusement in his eyes. " Don't you want to know it?"

" Oh, uhm." I fumbled for the right words and eventually gave up." Well, what is it?"


He didn't glance at me this time. This Dazai was clearly unbothered and at peace with surroundings so I quickly decided I'd be the same and offered him no response.

He spoke first. "I love this song."

Not wanting to be distracted by his beauty yet again, I continued to stare directly at the waves that crashed loudly on the shore. "Its my favorite one right now"

" Same."

We sat quietly next to each other for the next hour in total silence. I was too tired to let my mind run away with sinfull thoughts of the hottie next to me and instead enjoyed the peace and the sounds of the sea. As the first hints of color for the new dawn lit up the night sky, Dazai sighed deeply and suddenly began to stand.

Confused, I asked " Where are you going?"

"Well, " He started, as he looked down at me from his incredible height "Now I'm going to back to bed."

With my eyes downcast and somewhat disappointed I let out a simple "Oh."

" Same time , same place tomorrow, Joy?"

Smiling a smile that would have brought me to my knees if I were standing. Stunned and at a loss for words, I could only manage a slight nod and with that he was gone through the same path with which I'd come.I couldn't help but wonder, did he live in my neighborhood ? Picking up my phone, I got to my feet in the clumsiest way possible left to return to my hell fire room.I plopped onto the bed like a sack of oversized potatoes, hoping sleep would call out to me and shut my eyes to thoughts of a beautiful boy, Dazai.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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