chapter 1 ^-^ uwu uwu

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"joseph i'm pregnant" aesop say.
"oh my god so kawaii i hopé u get a c séction" joseph say very happy but with french accent.
"why lol" aesop rly do not care he wants abortion lowkey.
"i'm ur dáddy now i am going to be dáddy and i want my bf kitten 2 be ziplock bag uwu uwu" joseph say so cute.
"ok." aesop walk away but joseph pins him to wall.
"can i suck ur tits whilst u piss on the hardwood floor" joseph ask.
"why" aesop can not be bothered.
"segs" joseph say and then ok....

so basically joseph drank aesop's breast milk for a few mins and then he stepped on aesop's bladder for no reason and so he pissed himself which is stupid because aesop is pregnant but the baby is still alive don't worry
piss is so hot nngh and then yeah and then joseph went to bed and aesop worried about his sanity for a few hours

to be continued

Joscarl Mpreg 12+ YAOI HARDWhere stories live. Discover now