Hi there!Thank you for choosing my book. It's my first and I hope you enjoy it!
I appreciate constructive criticism so please do advise me, I would love it.
Also please send ideas for what you would like to happen further on in the story. I would love that.
I do something called 'song of the chapter' for those of you who love to discover new music. I leave the songs at the top of the story. Check it out!
Reminder that this is not a chapter.
Spotify Playlist is in the conversation part of my account and their Instagram stories!
Instagram: @ZAMIoo5

Losing Love
Romance*Some scenes include physical abuse* Hope Ficci is a 19 year old girl from New York. One night away with her best friend reveals secrets that she has only ever read about, it all starts when she spots her dead boyfriend. Dominico Moretti is the 23...