[1.2] PILOT: act two

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Scott and Alycia are riding on their mountain bikes trough the school parking lot, where they jump off just as they make it to the bike rack in front of the school. They take off their helmets and hang them on the handlebars.

Scott adjusts his backpack with his lacrosse stick strapped to the back just as Jackson Whittemore, driving a silver Porsche, pulls into the parking spot next to them.

Jackson and the McCall siblings never get along. He used to bully them a lot, he still does, but only when it's necessary. He hates Scott, but Alycia on the other hand... She can be full off sass but he likes that.

Jackson gets out of the car, hitting Scott in the back with the door before shooting Alycia a nasty look, who shoots one back.

"Dude, watch the paint job." Jackson glares.

Scott looks at him with an offended expression, meanwhile Alycia has an annoyed expression on her face.

"Shut it Whittemore or I'll do it for you." She says taking a few steps toward the blonde male.

Before Jackson can reply with a rude remark, an unseen male student calls out to him.

"Yo, Jackson, lets go bro!"

Jackson walks away without another word, though he does turn his head back to shoot Alycia a glare before he leaves.

Scott and Alycia meet up with Stiles, who's standing at the front of the school. They talk about the previous night's events as they walk towards the entrance.

"Okay, let's see this thing." The sheriff's son looks at them, waiting.

Scott lifts up his shirt to show them both his bite wound, which is, thanks to Alycia, covered with gauze and tape that has a small amount of blood leaking through.

"Ooh" Stiles exclaims with a grin on his face.

"Yeah" Scott mutters.

Stiles pokes the bandage, which causes Scott to flinch in pain and the female McCall to shoot Stiles an annoyed glare.

"Whoa" Stiles grins.

Scott pulls his shirt back down as the three of them resume their walk into the school.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott explains looking back at his sister.

"Yeah." the female McCall sighs.

Stiles looks at the siblings with disbelief.

"A wolf bit you?" He then asks.

"Uh-huh" Scott nods.

Stiles shakes his head and gives him a look that says 'you're-being-dense'. He sighs and speaks up "No, not a chance."

"I heard a wolf howling." Scott says confused as to why his best friend doesn't believe him.

Stiles scoffs and continues to shake his head in response to Scott's argument. "No, you didn't." He says

"What do you mean 'No, you didn't?' How do you know what we heard?" Alycia speaks up after a while, with frustration written all over her face.

"Because, California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, sixty years. Aren't you the smart one in this friendship, lil' McCall?" Stiles asks looking the girl up and down.

"One, I know that, and two, did you just call me... lil' McCall?" She asks.

"Uh-huh" He nods.

"Never again"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now