Chapter 9 - What's Your Story

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Rose and Emmet had their wedding only a year after getting to know each other, they were times they would move out of the house and pose as newlyweds. In times like that the house is peaceful without Emmet's booming loud voice, and Rose nonstop judging Edward's choices.

Dorothea has finally got her dream room thanks to Esme's help and Carlisle's money, of course, the new couple has also decided to stay in the house this time and not be moving around a lot.

"Who's up for some hunting? I'm so hungry that I could die here!" Edward responds to Emmet's whining by swirling his eyes but agreeing on the hunt. When it past midnight is when the Cullens have selected to step into the forest to hut, Dorothea though chose to stay in the trees, leaping from one branch to another since she sees the view from above as more dependable.

She watched from the sideline as her family hunted and kill animals in their eyesight, she would participate but was too full to drink another drop of blood, that's when Dorothea spotted three Native American rushing their way to her family and then shifting into werewolves.

Quickly Dorothea's attention and curiosity about them had grown within seconds.

The men commenced calling the Cullens names such as bloodsucker and leeches, Carlisle was quick to claim that they do not drink human blood and offered a treaty between the coven and the pack.

The three huge wolves were outnumbered by the 5 vampires on the ground not sensing Dorothea from beyond so Carlisle did not need to make this offer other than an honest desire to refrain from killing the wolves.

For this reason, the Alpha believed Carlisle was making a legitimate offer.

Ephraim, the alpha's name, insisted on two main points of the treaty that the vampires could not injure any humans either by hunting them for food or by transforming them into vampires, as the pack viewed this transformation as equal to murder for them, and the vampires were never to trespass on Quileute land.

Carlisle accepted these terms and recommended adding the concept of mutual secrecy which they would not be able to tell anyone the true nature of the Cullens, and vice versa. Sincerely looking for a bit more intensity happening between the two leaders but alternatively got a mutual agreement which is awfully boring for the poor girl Dorothea.

Edward reading his younger sister's thought pierces her a frown at her from where he stood and in return earns an innocent look from Dorothea. Not desiring to hear any more serious talk, Dorothea headed back home first and told Edward through her mind before speeding off.


Today is just another normal day in the house, everyone was occupied doing their individual task or so Dorothea presumed since abruptly she can feel a heavyweight beside her. Knowing full well that it can only belong to the biggest person in the house, Emmet.

Glancing at him to see his puppy eyes and not relishing the look on his face Dorothea keep ignoring him and proceed to read her book.

Woof. Dorothea let out an annoyed sigh before eyeing the man beside her who started yapping cutely which is very disturbing with a body like his. "Emm, you have a cute personality and that bark is just adorable, however. You have the body of a 28-year-old man and your mental age of 5 isn't a great blend."

He let out a pout but didn't withdraw his action, he wants something so Dorothea started looking around for the man's companion only to see her also stare into her soul for some reaction. Raising an eyebrow at Rose's gaze next seeking Edward but he also has the similar look to what Rose is possessing towards Dorothea.

"Ok, stop it, Emmet. You guys obviously aren't content about something and desire answers. Whatever it is, I am certain that I'm the innocent person here." Standing up to step away from the tension in the room from her siblings only to be stalked around by them like Dorothea is the mother duck.

Irritated with them she walks through Carlisle's office where the parent is holding their sweet conversation but soon interrupts with their children. "Carlisle, if they don't cease. I oath, sibling or not I won't waver to tear their heads off."

Carlisle stands up with Esme delicately asking what is going on but everyone can see the shimmer of amusement in his eyes seeing his children behave like this. "We just want to know about her past. She gets to know ours so it's unfair that we don't know about hers."

"My past? What about them?"

Rose let out an exhalation at Dorothea's response so she explains that they want to know about her history, where was Dorothea born? How was her childhood? Who are her parents? Who turned Dorothea and how did she become so close to the Volturi?

Dorothea hasn't mentioned anything about her history to her siblings just her powers and exceptional bond with the Volturi.

It's not that Dorothea doesn't trust them, just resists remembering her past and sees it as something that she can live without recalling, seeing Dorothea's distress, Esme was keen to stop their squabble about the young girl. "I think, it's better when she is ready. She will explain to you about everything. For now, it's better to just know that her loyalties lay here with the Cullens."

"But it's just cheating that you and Carlisle know about her and we don't even know what year she is born in, just that she is older than you or probably the same age as Carlisle." Emmet started complaining like a child while stomping his leg which made the ground shake from his action, Carlisle scolded him gaining him a look from Emmet that resembles an abandoned puppy.

"... Let's make a deal. If ! If only I do meet my mate then I tell you my history. Satisfied?"

The three jostled each other into a circle to discuss the deal securing Dorothea to roll her eyes as Esme chortled cutely at them. God, they are acting like a bunch of kids so why am I still the youngest here, it's completely unfair Dorothea had thought with a pout.

Finally, they came to an agreement where Dorothea must shake their hands and vouch for them, once they left the room Carlisle whispered inaudibly for only those in the room can hear. "Are you sure about this, gem?" / "Genuinely? I'm not certain. I can't see my future but I comprehend one thing, that I won't have a mate."

"Don't be so sure, honey. Fate likes to play games, you out of all people should know."

Right, that is accurate what Esme had said so Dorothea just bowed her head at the words as recognition before walking off into her room to proceed with her peaceful reading while overlooking the sound of something shattering from the living room.

"Emmet get off the table right now!!"

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