Chapter 10

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"Are you sure you can travel alone? I don't mind following after you, it's not like I would do much here anyway,"

Dorothea let out a giggle as she put on a sun hat on her neatly tied red hair, looking up to look at her towering brother, Edward with a cheeky smile. "I'm optimistic that if I take you with me, I'll never hear the end of it from Emmet for taking away his only brother and rival in chess. I'll be fine, count me."

The Cullen's house is currently undergoing a little blue as the youngest of the family has decided that she should start traveling to Italy to meet the Volturi while afterward with Carlisle's permission she was permitted to travel to Philadelphia for a couple of days before directing home.

Before Dorothea could squint, Emmet's hand corrupted her into a bone-crushing hug that she can overhear her skin crack a little. "Em, I can feel your love. It's smothering yet loving." His booming laughter can be heard before settling the girl down so that Rosalie can embrace her only sister in the house. "I'll miss you. Try not to get into much trouble and bring back something from me. Lately, I have been into perfume not that you need to buy it or anything."

"I'll be sure to bring back the most expensive and stylish perfume for you, Rose" The blonde let out a soft thank you, taking in the red-haired girl's scent before letting her go.

Once Dorothea laid her eyes on Carlisle and Esme, she couldn't help but let out a childish giggle while rushing to them for a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much. Make sure to constantly wear your gloves and stay away from strangers at all costs. Understood?"

"Yes, mum," Looking at Carlisle who only in return gave Dorothea a fatherly smile as a stroke of good luck with the outside world. If Dorothea could cry she would as this is her first time exploring alone after she finished visiting the Volturi.

It's not that she has been pleading for it but mostly because Carlisle notices her yearning to look for the outside world ever since the Cullens permanently bought a house in Forks, the man also reminisced how Dorothea has continuously wanted to find new things in life and being attached in an enormous house isn't helping her curiosity.


When Dorothea appeared in Italy Jane and Alec were there to welcome her at the airport which the girl fine very soothing despite the disgusted look Jane had in her eyes. Dorothea was in time for a feast with her first family on the long table filled with vampires drinking blood from their wine glasses, she had seated herself between Aro and Marcus a chair especially made for her to show off her ranking.

Dorothea seized a deep breath at the noiseless room as she slowly sips the blood from the glass dodging eye contact with the other vampires in the room. The Cullen knew that she must drink mortal blood when she is with the Volturi but before arriving back home she would be sure to intake as much animal blood as to try to cover her reddish eyes in the end, her eyes would have a mixed color between both.

Dorothea reminisced how when she forgot to drink animal's blood before heading home so Rose and Edward had a disappointed look on when they saw her eyes that pool red even with the flicker of gold, but Carlisle was fleet to defend her by reassuring the siblings that Dorothea have not killed any human, solely drinking from them at the Volturi.

That's when the secret was out in the house about how she had and still drinks human blood despite being a 'vegan'. Carlisle didn't fight completely with it knowing it was Aro who had urged the girl to do so and that Dorothea has great self-control around the humans, he was not too worried.

"How was the travel from here? I heard that the storm was terrible, I hope that it didn't intimidate you, my child?" Aro's voice swelled the room making a few of the low-rank vampires lower their heads but Dorothea did bother as she responded to him with her cheerful voice and a big grin.

"Oh no, I profoundly fancy it! The dark sky and deep rumble from the thunder just remind me of our first meeting." Aro let out a burst of laughter and a smile aimed at the girl as memories wash over him of that night.

Anyone can see how fondly the royal vampires are towards the girl even Caius who gave the girl small glances from beside Aro whenever she talks about her exceptional adventures.

Everyone dares not to voice out their hatred for the vegan vampire whenever the royal and guard vampires are in hearing, knowing that even a small shady glance towards Dorothea would mean their head would be beheaded with just a blink of an eye and burned in the next seconds.

When the dinner was over Dorothea had gone to follow after Marcus to tell him more detail about her adventure knowing he is the only vampire who accepts new things into his life.

When she notices Marcus is occupied she went off to find Caius to read a few books with him as that is the only thing they have in common but the man would continuously forces Dorothea to read an educational book which the girl would never complain about even giving him her review on the book at the end.

Once Caius gets sick of her she would attach herself to Aro like glue but if she is being honest the man isn't pleasant to be around especially since he would be busied with whether to exterminate or save a vampire who would visit them.

The sight, of the innocent head being torn off wasn't pleasing in the girl's eyes but would never voice that thought out just giving out the soft giggle, a child would do when Aro would look at her reaction.

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