Chapter 16

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The party wasn't much since it was planned last minute, the Cullens held a game night with much laughter to establish their bond but you can imagine the big fight Emmet and Dean got into when the game Monopoly started and a depressed Edward beside them due to being bankrupt.

When the fun was over, Esme decided that some animal blood so right now everyone was seated at the long dining table. Carlisle at the head with Esme on his right alongside Dorothea and Edward while the two couples sat on Carlisle's left.

Everyone was just having fun and shouting but that all went down the drain with Alice's unexpected question. "I didn't think you would come home alone, Thea. I was dreaming that Jasper would be with you," The name of her dearly miss man, made Dorothea choke on her own while coughing loudly.

Moments like this the Cullens would be worried about the girl but hearing the discovery that Dorothea was supposed to bring back a man shock them leaving them even more confused.

Dean let out enormous laughter at the reaction presented at the table, once he comes down he talks about Jasper. "Oh, the old Jasper. I kinda miss him! Man, I wish we brought him along with our travels, babe."

Before anyone can say anything more, Edward bangs his fist on the table making everyone mostly Dean tune down so he could talk, facing Dorothea beside him with a stern look. "Who is this Jasper guy?" Dorothea had mentally shrunk herself hoping the world would somehow corrupt at that very moment but physically she had slid down her chair slightly to avoid the gazes of her family.

Alice gave the girl a tiny smile telling her how sorry she was to open this topic but Dorothea knew it was going to happen one way or another. "Um, w-well... We, umm. He and I... Met?"

It was Emmet's turn to push himself as close as he got to Dorothea since they were facing each other at the table. "Met?! Where! How! Who! Huh!?" This mood is challenging Dorothea deeply as she kept her mind locked from her mind-reading brother beside her, a nonstop questioning brother in front of her, and lastly, a sharp concern and disapproval look from her father Carlisle.

Everyone stops moving when an ear-breaking squealing comes from Esme and Roselie which earns a very worried look from their mates and Edward. "Oh my, the day is finally coming! Roselie, quick! The plan is in action now!"

"I'm already on it! I knew something was wrong when I saw that dog tag you have on! We were never the on into jewelry." The minute Roselie said about the dog tag, Dorothea had looked down to touch the item on her chest but Edward was quick, being the fastest vampire in the house, to snatch it as he runs to the corner of the room alongside all the boys including Dean due to curiosity.

All the males were in deep conversation in a small circle while eyeing the dog tag on Edawards's palm. "Jasper Whitlock? Who the hell is that!" / "I don't like this! He sounds like someone who will break our little sister's heart! Let's plan his murder!" / "I knew that I should follow her on this trip! We leave her for a week and some random boy already held her!"

"Oh, I'll answer all that! Carlisle, I'm pretty sure Jasper was a major back in his days. Emmet, I'm sure he won't break Dorothea's heart but then again he is an eye-catching guy and for you, Edward. Knowing Jasper he could do more than just 'held' Dorothea."

Dean's declaration earns very furious looks from Dorothea's sibling, sensing that he made things worse, he slowly back out of the circle to go back to the dining table while giggling clumsily. While all that was happening, Roselie, Esme, and Alice were squealing like some school girl asking Dorothea to spill everything that had to happen on her trip to Philadelphia

 Dorothea was reluctant at first to follow suit with their command but later did as said knowing they won't stop till the tea is spilled. "W-Well we just kinda met in a diner and um... I bail?"

"You ran? Why did you run away!" Alice and Roselie were scolding the youngest for her action. Now if the boys won't too concentrated on their plan of murdering a certain cowboy they would be clapping for the girl's actions totally opposite reactions to their mates.

"B-Because he made me feel w-weird? L-Like, my body isn't responding how I would with strangers!" The girls shared a knowing look as each of them felt this 'weirdness' when they met their mate for the first time.

Esme told her to resume her story so, with much shuttering, Dorothea told about her dance with Jasper, their 'dates', and even some words he would say to her but made sure to specifically state they had no label on each other even though with all that kisses they share.

The night went on like that as the women swoon over the moment Dorothea had with Jasper especially his promise to find her back while the men plan thoroughly their action to have this Jasper's head in a jar with the help of Dean who was forced back into the circle so he could tell every weakness Jasper had.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now