Their First Christmas- A Jily Oneshot

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 "James!" Lily called out from downstairs. Her voice had a soft tone to it, making it clear that it wasn't an emergency, like the time little Harry had gotten ahold of Lily's wand- everything had been a mess. But they simply laughed it off, like it was normal to see the coffee table on the ceiling and the turning fan on the wooden floor.

 James slowly rose up from the rocking chair, with a sleeping Harry in his arms. He placed Harry in his crib, careful not to wake the resting child.

 "James!" Lily called out once more. He rushed down to the kitchen, where Lily was stirring cookie dough in a bowl with a spoon that James had found, "Extremely huge and odd."

 She glanced up as James entered the room. "Sirius finally wrote back,"

 She gestured towards a piece of parchment sitting on the counter, wrinkled with spots of black ink splattered all over.

 Through his square glasses, James read the familiar scribble that was known to be the famous handwriting of Sirius Black.

 The silence that had taken up the room was broken by the grandfather clock chiming, booming throughout the small house.

 James and Lily looked up at each other's eyes, grinning.

 "It's Christmas." Lily points out.

 "Not just any Christmas," James says while wrapping and arm around the one person he was absolutely positive he loved more than anything, more than everything, "It's Harry's first Christmas."

 "According to the letter Sirius wrote for us, we should go to bed by midnight if we want, "A surprise from Father Christmas,

 Lily retrieved her wand from the dining table, and pointed it at the bowl swimming with cookie dough. 

 Chocolate chip cookies are round as the full moon replaced the dough, and smelt as if they were just brought out of the oven, ready to be snacked upon. 

 "You reckon I should leave these out here?" Lily asked.

 "Yeah, Sirius would love that. Now let's hurry, so I can see in the morning if he's keeping his promise about that new broomstick for me." He replies.

 "Sometimes, I swear, you care more about that broomstick than Sirius himself."


 That morning, as the sun rose into its position in the sky, snow started to pour from above. It covered the roof, and hid the grass from view. It shined brightly, like small crystals under a light. 

 Harry had been the first to rise. He waited in his crib for his mother and father, but something had caught his eye.

 Outside the window, Harry saw the dropping snow. It reminded him of the sparks that his father would make just for his entertainment. Except the sparks outside weren't red, nor gold. They were white.

 Then Lily woke up, with a rush of excitement. You never know what Sirius, or Father Christmas, as he had said in his letter, would bring for you. He could have gotten you a snake stuffed animal, or a real snake. Maybe even both, for a laugh.

 Lily nudged James, who was sleeping with his mouth slightly open and his knees to his chest. Remus used to always joke about how James slept in weird positions, some didn't even look possible at all. 


 "Presents." Lily whispered with excitement in her voice. 


 Lily smiled at the half awake James. "I'll go get Harry." 

 She ran into his room like a little girl, slipping on a teddy bear of Harry's and falling with a thud. But she brushed it off, gently picked up her child, and walked down stairs with more caution.

 Her face lit up at she saw the surprise that had been left for the Potter family, who has to stay locked up in Godric's Hollow until it is safe. 

 Boxes wrapped with red and gold paper sat in a circle around the Christmas tree that had greatly improved in size and glowed brightly.

 Harry gave out a warm laugh. He probably didn't realize what everything was, or who brought it all there, but the sight looked happy, and that's all that mattered.

 James bounced down the stairs with his face filled with awe as he saw the presents Sirius had left for them. 

 "I sort of feel bad now for only getting him Chocolate Frogs." He said.

 "Looks like he left another note."

 And it read, 

 'Sorry about not being there to wake you guys up at dawn, but I figured you woudln't want me to crawl into bed with you when you're half asleep. 

 I'll be back at noon, though, so we can celebrate. Moony and Wormtail need to get their presents too! And I'll see if I can get them to come over with me.



Happy holidays! Since I can't photoshop or make anything nice over the Internet to give out, I thought I might write a little something! I was half asleep while writing this, so excuse any mistakes! But thank you for reading! Have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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