窝呃严伟西安德塔 第05集: 二人携手解决集团危机

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《The Two Work Together To Solve The Group Crisis》
~ After obtaining inheritance rights, Shen Man Ning became the banker's most in need of protection. Yan Xing Cheng approached Shen Man Ning and guarded her safety 24 hours a day. Before the Lanhai shareholders' meeting, Yan Xing Cheng trained Shen Man Ning all the way, hoping that she could become the real owner of the Blue Sea. Shen Man Ning followed his footsteps and also found that he was often trapped by nightmares and difficult to wake up. Shen Man Ning and Yan Xing Cheng returned to Lanhai Group together and officially became the new president of the company.

The first big thing she has to face is to solve the overseas bond default. Shen Man Ning and Yan Xing Cheng investigated all the asset reports and found that the most detailed transaction details had been taken away by the financial manager and the finance manager received a large amount of money to flee abroad. Shen Man Ning and Yan Xing Cheng immediately drove to the airport and finally stopped the financial manager who was corrupt and bribed.

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