窝呃严伟西安德塔 第02集: 假千金开启第二重人生

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Fake Daughter Starts A Second Life
~ Shen Man Ning promised to pretend to be Zhuang Xin Yan and Yan Xing Cheng to return to the banker because of Zhuang Xin Yan's last wish when she left. Unexpectedly, he was facing a turbulent banker. Lan Haiyi Xing, a jewellery company run at home is experiencing a huge economic crisis due to the default of overseas bonds, Mr. Zhuang in his family is seriously ill and unable to preside over family affairs in a coma, Zhuang Jia Kai, the son of Zhuang Cai Xuan, the second daughter of the banker is trying to take up the throne and take away Lan Haiyi Xing's ownership rights.

Yan Xing Cheng took Shen Man Ning to Lanhai Company in time, blocking Zhuang Jia Kai's president's appointment and removal order and temporarily appeased the chaotic banker. Shen Man Ning first joined the big group company and family as Zhuang Xin Yan and was very uneasy, fortunately, Yan Xing Cheng accompanied him and solved many crises. Unexpectedly, Lin Mu Fan, the son of the banker Lin Guang Yi, recognised Shen Man Ning, who had a relationship and almost revealed her identity.

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