chapter 1

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Lila's pov...

"Beep beep beep!" I groaned as I turned off the annoying alarm clock. Oh my name is Lila and I don't have a last name...why? Well my past see my ex he kinda got obessesd with me and he killed everyone I love so I moved here to Miami. Why did we break up well I found him in some bed with his Secretary and he even had the nerve to continue so after I spotted them he is an a**hole.

As I was saying I got out of bed and showered I smelt like a fruit mix. I got into my work uniform which so happens to be exposing. I work at a restraint where we wear belly shirts with skirts and rollerskate around. I am not complaining about that I love it. Anyway I left and got on my motorcycle. I know I am not a girly girl I don't even act like beyonce trying to be all fabulous up in here (sorry beyonce and her fans I like her music but she acts like the world revolves around her.)

As I arrive to work my friend Emma came up to me and started to blabber about her boyfriend. She has like a New boyfriend every two days the longest relationship she has had only lasted for a week. It is not her fault it is because she is girly and she goes after d***s. I mean find a nerd and hang onto him baby he will not hurt you one bit he will treat you like a queen. Do I have a relationship with any boys well yeah...but not on dating terms I have trust issues and I am not lesbian. I am single and do not want to mingle just like I was when I was in 8th grade.

By this time it was afternoon at the shop I heard the door open with a Bing...

I looked up and I saw three guys and two girls nice what are rich snobs doing here I might have to take a break and act like I fell cause I sure as h**l don't want to serve them. Em decided to flick me on my head.

I flipped her off as I twiddle with my open chain necklace it means nothing is on the chain I wish their was but I'm not the richest as you can see. I grabbed the note pad off the counter and rollerskated over there.

"May I take your order?"I asked in my Okalahoma accent. Yes I used to live there before the "incident" happened.

"Yes we would all like some ice water and five stakes with two salads." The guy with black hair and icy blue eyes said with his velvety voice with his pink full lips omfg...

What am I starting think I nodded and strolled off. I came back with the food and drinks and set them down.

Then the blonde girl accidentally dumped water on the guy with Brown hair and Brown eyes and they started to freak out and then a emerald or jewel of some sort came flying up and the awesome person I am I caught it in mid air and started to laugh cause of the freak out session. They all looked at me and then snapped toward my hand because my hand has a very very very bright light radiating off of the emerald then they looked at the other girl with red hair and glared at her for some reason.

"Ummm....sorry I just thought you really wouldn't want this to break but here you go" I handed it to the guy with black hair and ice blue eyes his name is icy eyes for now on if I think of him.

"I will go get some paper towels for you." I started to rollerskate back and I could feel them looking at Me...

I came back with paper towels and handed them to the blonde girl.

"Thank you ummm....I don't know your name."she said blushing lightly.

"You can call me Lila or Lillian either one doesn't matter to me so yeah." I looked at my watch my shift would be over in ten minutes hallelujah.

"Do you need any thing else?" I asked skimming over the whole table and my eyes land on the icy blue eyes then I looked away to see my friend em come skating over and let me tell you she is going to try to hit on one of these guys.

"Hey Lila what an episode today for you....

You haven't had an episode since your whole ex thing."she mumble the last part to her self. Then I pat her on the shoulder because she feels bad for me.

"Don't feel bad bae you are a great friend and don't feel bad about it cause you weren't even there don't pity me I have had enough with the pity of everyone I am capable of me and my personal life." I say to her.

"Says the one who hasn't had a relationship in 4 years." I punch her arm and she stumbles a little then I notice the people at the table staring at me.

"Oh Em I gotta go it is the end of my shift I might go wander around in the woods." I say.

"Be careful please." she says.

"I always am. Am I not?" I say in my British voice. She playfully smacks my arm and I snicker then I whispered in her ear about flirting with them I warned her she would end up like the last relationship which was yesterday for her.

I clocked out and I got ready to get o my motorcycle till someone called my name.

I turned around and saw the icy eyes I've been thinking about. Oh stupid me I forgot to tell you about his appearance well he has a chiseled jaw and a shirt that shows off his mouth watering abs and the thing about this is he isn't like one of those buff guys just the thing where it is just right.

"Yes?"I say in a question like tone.

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me?" he asked

"Ummm sure it would help if I knew ya name. Oh and my address is 101 blue country street."

"Oh my name is Ryder but you can call me Ry."

"Yeah ok bye."

Ryder's pov...

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me?" I asked nervously. She was the chosen one for the queen she chooses the king but I didn't ask her out because of that. I am not some jerk who does that.

I saw her past I can tell there future and past.

I look in there eyes to figure out there past and I have to touch them to tell the there future I am a vampire.

"Ummm sure it would help if I knew ya name. Oh and my address is 101 blue country street." she said with her sweet juicy voice.

Her blood smelt so good but I won't bite her unless she is consented into it.

"Oh my name is Ryder but you can call me Ry." I said she looked off into the distance her eyes skimming around for someone or something.

"Yeah ok bye." she said and with that she left. She is a strong girl and Tom boyish too I heard her conversation with what's her name oh Emma but Lila is different I want her to not be afraid of relationships and I hope I can be the cure for it.

Hey guys it is me teenage_sweets yes I know I haven't hardly been updating and I kinda deleted the book Unwanted Godess what else do you expect after people ignore your piece of work I mean I feel like I suck at writing even though I'm like 13 or 14 personal info not to be given out I still try my best so yeah...

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