the story

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Naruto nodded."I will," he said, and then turned to leave. He didn't look back at all. It was as if he had forgotten about the whole thing entirely. "Goodbye."He left without another word.And that was it. The last time you saw him, he wasn't even looking your way anymore. You were alone in a strange land with no idea what to do next.You spent most of your time wandering around aimlessly, trying not to get lost or getting into fights with people who wanted something from you. But it was never enough, and you were always hungry. You tried to find work, but nobody would hire you when they saw how badly you had neglected your appearance and how much you didn't care. 

 You become a shinobi.You didn't know anything except fighting, and maybe you could be good at that. You went to one of the many villages to the land of Fire. When you got to the gates, an ANBU stopped you."What are you doing here?" the ANBU asked."I want to join the leaf village."The ANBU raised an eyebrow."I thought your skills were better than that," the ANBU said."It was a mistake. I want to make it right," you replied humbly.The other eyebrow rose to the hair."Are you trying to join or make amends?""Both."The ANBU walked away from you, shaking her head."Just get in line, boy."You found the line and waited patiently. After ten minutes of waiting, you were brought before the Fire Lord himself. He looked over your skills and asked you some questions. You expected him to send you ou right there and told you to come back later, but he decided to keep you. He told you to go back and wait in line like everyone else. After a few days, he told you to go back to the ANBU captain, who would take you to your permanent squad. You obeyed and soon found yourself in a squad of twelve. You were given a bit of time to get acquainted with your squad mates before being sent out on your first mission.Your team was sent into the land of Grass to take it over. You really had no idea where to start."It's simple. We just push the people back all the way to their capital. Then, we kill em all and have fun doing it," your leader, a girl with cob webs for eyes, said.You and your team set out for Grass. It was about a two day walk, though you made it in three hours with your fierce fighting. On the third day, you finally arrived at the Grass village. It was a rather large town, and there were plenty of places to hide and assassinate a few leaders. You decided to hide in a merchant caravan and wait until you reached the village central square. You and your team made yourselves scarce, then hid in some nearby grasses.The Grass Leader was called to meet with the village Elder. Neither one of them were happy about it, and fighting broke out. You took advantage of the chaos and assassinated the Grass Leader. Some of the Grass-Bunns attempted terrorist tactics on your squad, but you successfully defended against them.You and your team entered the village Elder's building."We want more resources and better equipment," your squad leader said. After that, the rest of the village was much easier.You team killed several people and gave the remainder a mercy killing. You fought through the streets, and by the end of it, you had control of the entire village. Your squad celebrated, and then began asking for more people to join. Namely, the people of Grass-Bunns. You accepted one girl, and trained her to fight.You were making great progress, and soon, you had over two hundred people under your command. 

You go back to Konoha.After a year, you decide to head back to the village of Konoha to inform the Hokage of your teams success. You also want to get stronger. The next four months are spent in the village of your birth, which is different than when you left it.The initial meeting with the Hokage is cordial, but he is clearly disappointed in what you have done. He shuts you out of any further communication from his advisors for nearly a month.One night, a messenger from the Hokage appears at your camp in the middle of the night. He is wearing an ANBU mask and armor. You and your squad leader attempt to subdue him, but he fights back. He reveals himself to be a jounin that has been assigned as the Team Kakashi lieutenant. His name is Yamato.He tells you that you are under arrest for the murder of the messenger and treason against the village. He then uses your own sword on you.The next day, you are brought to the old man. He speaks with you about how the Chunin Exams were nearly fixed in your favor and how this was all an elaborate plot to kill you in the arena. He goes on about how you are actually a missing-nin from the hidden village of Pain.He tries to convince you to give yourself up, but you refuse. He then reveals that he has your entire team killed to show he isn't messing around.You turn yourself in the next day. You are placed in a 6 month jail term.In the Academy, you don't talk to anyone. The people there have either been transferred from other jonin facilities or are truely unskilled in their abilities. You train mostly with your fellow missing-nin. You all have gifts and talents that haven't been used in the best possible way. The Kazekage accepts this as necessary to maintain his honor.You are released from the stockade when you and the rest of your team members finish out your classes. Your instructor and former jounin instructor both tell the Hokage that releasing you was a mistake and should be apologies. 

You all pass your promotions and are assigned to command new genin.Your instructor says you need to be sent back to the Academy as soon as possible. You disagree with this and you all begin to argue. This leads to all of you being sent to the stockade again.Your team lasts a week in the stockade. You decide that the best way to survive this was to go with it. If you wanted to be Kazekage, you had to become one with the system. This lead to you and your former teammates becoming model shinobi for the rest of your careers.You all become invested in your village, its people and its future so you can't help but to at least try to put a stop to the assholes that are destroying it.You are assigned to the ANBU squad where you meet once more with the man who was in charge of Team Kakashi. You fought him twice and he bested you both times.Yamato tells you that the last thing you need is to have another confrontation with him. You have to remind yourself that this man was the one who ordered the deaths of your entire team.You didn't go looking for him or any of them. He and the rest are the consequences of your own actions.The one sin you managed to avoid is involving yourself with anyone from Pain. You had a good thing going there before, but you can't go back in time, so you're just going to have to live with it.You retire as a Konohagakure shinobi and eventually become an instructor there.The years go by and the Third Hokage passes.The Sandaime Hokage is the next one to die.The Jiraiya system is set up and people actually start respecting the alliance.Konohagakure never really recovers from the destruction of part of its populace.The Village hidden in the Leaves stagnates.You retire as an instructor and eventually you pass on.You succeeded in everyway that mattered. You have no regrets.You played your role well, you can leave the stage now and live the rest of your life knowing that.You fade away into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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