"Who'll be a witness?"

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State your name.

My name is Nicholas Jordan and I stand falsely accused.

It was an overcast night in June. It's as if a tempest sat over the island of Kingston, Jamaica acting as an omen of sorts warning me to stay safely tucked in my grandmother's home and away from the events that would unfold If I hadn't stepped foot off the porch. If only I'd stayed inside. Was the lingering thought that rushed through my mind but Sadly I did not and here, is where our journey begins. I started the walk, the rain giving way just long enough for me to think I was safe. That proved to be a mistake as the breeze began to blow and a new wave of rain swept over the island once more soaking me to the bone.

Like myself, many continued their night. The bass from open bars and pool halls poured into the streets along with the heady smell of marijuana blanketing the bustling streets of downtown Kingston.

Moments later I turned off of the main road down a side street. I could see Beverly's house in sight, little warning bells started to go off in my head, The usually lively street was vacant. "Something doesn't feel right, " I thought to myself. The breeze from the cool night licked at my heels and the rain now a gentle mist carried by it.

Everything was calm, As I walked further down the street lightning struck illuminating the front of what was Beverly's yard for only a second. In that second three masked men wearing dark-colored clothing were revealed. The telltale sign of a gun bulging through one of the three t-shirts, while the other two cradled massive m16 rifles close to their chests.

I heard my heartbeat in my ears. My adrenalin kicked in, I quickly hopped over the nearest wall. trying to conceal myself. In the thicket of bushes. The little prickly branches of the tree broke off in my flesh, I however, didn't feel anything. I just held my breath and  As I took one step back further into the cover of the trees behind me "Crack, Snap, Crack!" the branches gave away my location. Just then Beverley emerged from the thicket of trees next to the porch, She must have been sitting on. What followed will haunt me for the rest of my days.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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