1. The Goblet of Fire

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"Harry Potter."

It was two words that created utter pandemonium in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was the same two words that completely took the wind out of the unsuspecting Harry Potter, who was currently sat on one of the surrounding benches that overlooked the goblet.


Albus Dumbledore's voice rose considerably louder the second time Harry's name was called, shrinking back from the booming voice, Harry just wanted to run away and hide. But Hermione had caught his arm in a death lock grip and with all of her strength had forced him out of his hiding place and onto his feet. Immediately, hundreds of pairs of eyes had locked onto his rigid and motionless form, and continued to follow him until he stumbled past Professor Dumbledore and down into the pit of the trophy room...

The trophy room, so glorious and grand, a room befitting its name, was not an appropriate place for manhandling scared students with such a ferocity that Albus Dumbledore did. Harry was unsuspectingly grabbed by the very lapels of his uniform and forced against a stand of trophies by his professor. Said stand of trophies was now laying in a cluttered pile of mismatched silver and gold on the floor.

"Did you put your name in the goblet of fire Harry?!" Professor Dumbledore proceeded to bellow within breathing distance of Harry.


Harry remained quiet, hundreds of thoughts rapidly swimming in his mind, eager to justify the wronged claims he was so called accused of. To be quick to deny was one of guilt, and so Harry continued to remain quiet until a gaggle of professors and one Ludo Baggins approached the engaging duo.

"Well Potter, was is worth entering your name in this serious tournament for the attention? You've certainly earned it." Severus Snape's sneering voice battered against his ears.

"Now now Severus, we do not know if he had actually entered himself, for all we know it could just be a prank..." The thick scottish brogue of Professor McGonagall bit back the slimy voice of the potions professor.

"Yes, a stupid prank no better than his own father! Just like his father he is! He has no care for anyone else but himself!" Professor Snape loudly retorted.

"He obviously entered himself! This is unacceptable Albus!" Olympe Maxim cried whilst angrily hitting a low bearing ceiling lantern

"Of course he entered himself! Hogwarts having two champions! This is utterly unfair to us!" Igor Karkaroff shouted before pushing past a silent Alastor Moody.

"Why don't we let Harry speak for himself shall we?" Professor Dumbledore interrupted whilst turning back to the emotionless face of one Harry Potter.

Upon hearing his name Harry immediately shut down the whirlwind of thoughts that were flying through his mind at the second and took a deep breath. That's it, deep breaths, I cannot let my anger get the better of me, it will do me no good. He thought for a moment before calmly straightening his uniform, that had been so severely rumpled by his professor, and slowly looking up to meet their eyes. Deep Breaths.

"I most certainly did not put my name in the Goblet of Fire Professor Dumbledore and that's that. I originally had no interest in all at competing in the tournament as I had planned to have a rather stress free year this time. But it seems that my plans have been disrupted again sir. And no, I did not ask an older student to put my name in for me, as you'll find that any illegal attempts on the Goblet have all been thwarted, sir." He slowly spoke as if giving the impression he was speaking to a child.

Albus Dumbledore, who had been so surprised at the natural occlumency that Harry had just performed subconsciously, had only just caught the final two sentences of Harry's mini speech before being jousted back into the present yet again by the cool tone of one Harry Potter.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of homework to catch up on that will not do itself, and as the blond lady has said over there by the fireplace, you have no time to play with leetle boys." And on that final note Harry proceeded to walk away, with a swish of his robes, back up the staircase and into the shadows of the hallway...

Those remaining in the trophy room stood frozen, Albus Dumbledore shocked at the use of such a powerful occlumency technique, and Severus Snape who glanced momentarily at the eyes of one Harry Potter and had shivered at the coldness that had come out of the boy's mouth, eyes borderline burning with intensity.

* And that is the first chapter of my AU of The Goblet of Fire! I have many chapters ahead planned for writing, so I hope you'll be patient with me! (>~<)! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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