writing and DU, F.!

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Today I woke up with the jolliest of the spirits that had abandoned me in quite some arduous time. But... in spite all the adversities I still am facing and am about to face, I could not feel much more in gratitude with whatever my life right now is. So... of course, there is also a very special reason behind this smiling face in front of a computer... and that is I think I have the answers to my soul aching. Since you all already know... or do not know but now by reading this are knowing -stop for a breath and continue reading- I am quite of an arty obsessed. With that I mean, I love anything that has got to do with art: from music, through painting, or writing or theatre. And... well, I must admit I do have some quite of frustrated dreams in there -specially with music-. But... since I cannot help but find myself repeatedly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly thinking and overthinking what should I do... where should I put my energy, if I should do it at all, if art for the arts sake would be enough... and you know what? Thousand times yes! I may not be a cool bass player, or a begabt piano player, or even an amazing author... but I do still love all those things even when I am not into them or may not be the best at it. The thing is... there is indeed something I have been thinking about since quite some time... since... two years already but was unable to collect some courage and leave aside all nonsensical excuses... and by this, I mean: of course, writing. And now... yes, it may not be the way of writing I've been dreaming with since I was a kid -though I am working on it a much more personal sphere and platform-, but a project that really has woken me up suddenly from this infernal lethargy I was finding myself in in the last couple of months... and, even though it wasn't the main reason why I thought I should finally do it, it was somehow -and don't ask me why, because I myself don't know the answer-, the little decisive boost for me to finally do it, even if it doesn't come out as I dream of it... and this motivational boost wasn't a thing, but a person... a special person, that when I may have just met recently, and even when it doesn't have to be an spiritual connection, we do have -and Id dare say he would agree- a musical connection... something that -as he may also confirm- is very hard to get... and he at least, musically, gets me in such an awesome way, I wouldn't dare to say he didn't play anything important in the ponderation of this final decision.

So yes! I guess what I wanted to say is, I am going to write about the things I am most passionate about!! Music, books, drawing, photographing, the environment! Anything. I was worried, I would not be able to understand what I really should be writing about... and today thanks to all these factors and many others, I understood I did not need to choose only one... that it was okay to display them all in the one true love I have for all of them.

So... well, I was thinking of Florian when I came up with the decision, and felt good... I guess... thank you for appearing in such a mysterious way in my life (?) Hope you feel my gratitude even if you do not read this.

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