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Jack "Vee you got everything set up?"
Vee "Yeah whenever your ready!"
Jack "Liv I think you should go first."
Liv "Okay!"

I took my camera and started taking some pictures of Liv, I told her to do a couple different poses and I told Jack to move some of the lighting around.

Liv was onto her next fit and meanwhile I was gonna shoot Syd.

Vee "Holy shit Syd, your freckles are so pretty."
Syd "You can see them?"
Vee "You can see anything with this camera."

I smiled at her and we got back to shooting, she looked really pretty, the outfit Jack picked out for her matched her really good.

Vee "T are you done?"
Timotheé "Yeah, why?"
Vee "Get in with Syd."
Syd "What?"

I grabbed Timotheé'a hand and made him stand behind Syd.

Vee "Syd look straight."

I grabbed Timotheé's hand and placed it on her hand and his other hand on her shoulder. I walked back and took a couple pictures. I placed Syd in a different position and had her chin on his shoulder.

Vee "Okay sit down now."

I told them how to sit and took a couple more pictures of them. After that I started shooting Timotheé alone.

Vee "Can you move the flower a little more to the left?"
Timotheé "Yeah."

I took a couple more pictures and told them to go get changed.

Liv "Vee they look so good already!"
Vee "Thank you! Once I edit them a little, I can have Jack them out to entertainment and possibly get him some money."
Jack "Wait really?"
Vee "Yeah! Are they changing?"
Jack "Yeah."
Vee "Where's Tommy?"
Liv "He's in the other room fixing some stuff on the website."
Vee "Okay Liv your turn again!"

      ° 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 ° Couple hours later..

We were done shooting and I was editing some pictures, we had went back to Syds place.

Timotheé "You almost done?"
Vee "Kinda, just picking out the ones I like, and that just look better."
Jack "How much longer till we can see?"
Vee "Maybe like twenty? If you guys are hungry, you guys can go eat, you don't have to wait."
Tommy "Bet let's go then."
Syd "You sure Vee?"
Vee "Yeah! If I finish earlier I'll head over there."
Liv "Love you Vee!"

They all grabbed their things, and walked out the door.

Timotheé "You sure you want me to go?"
Vee "I'll be fine, go!"
Timotheé "If you say sooo!"

He laughed and kissed me, I wasn't too hungry anyways. I continued to edit the pictures and took a little break, I drank some water and ate an orange. I heard my phone ringing and I grabbed my purse and took it out, it was my mom calling.

Mom "Vee? What are these articles saying about you and Timotheé? Are they true?"
Vee "What articles?"
Mom "The ones that say you guys broke up."
Vee "Mom, if we broke up don't you think I would've told you?"
Mom "You never know,"
Vee "Plus we are far from breaking up."

I looked at my ring and then realized we hadn't told my mom, or did Timotheé tell her he was going to propose? I didn't say anything about it, maybe he did tell her? I told her I had to go and she hanged up, I texted Timotheé asking him.

He said that he didn't ask her but he asked my grandpa instead, since my dad had past he knew I grew closer with my grandpa. It was kinda of nice of him to ask my grandpa, but I'm surprised he kept it a secret. My grandpa loved talking and I feel like he would never be able to keep that big of a secret.

° 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 ° Couple minutes later..

I had finally finished editing the pictures and Timotheé said they were on there way back already. I cleaned up my orange peel and threw it away, I went to the bathroom and as I was washing by my hands, I heard the front door open.

Jack "Vee?"
Tommy "Did she get kidnapped?"

I turned off the bathroom light and hid in the shower, I wanted to see how long they would take to find me.

Timotheé "Who left the back door open?"
Syd "I thought I locked it?"
Liv "She's probably just hiding, right?"
Syd "Liv sit down, your gonna have a panic attack."
Tommy "I'll look outside, she couldn't have gone far."
Timotheé "Ill call her."
Jack "T how are you so calm?"
Timotheé "I'm trying not to freak out like Liv."

I heard some of the doors open and the bathroom door open, they didn't check behind the shower curtain. I peeked out the shower curtain and saw no one inside anymore, I got out and walked to the back door.

Vee "Hi."
Vee "In the shower hiding."
Timotheé "Did someone try to break in?"
Syd "For real, so I know if I have to move or not?"
Vee "No just wanted to see how long it would take for you guys to find me."
Tommy "Are you done with the damn pictures?"
Vee "Yeah! Wanna see them?"
Jack "Show me the damn pictures."

I walked inside and they followed after me, I opened my laptop and showed them.

Timotheé "Holy shit, these look so good."
Syd "I look hot."
Timotheé "Same."
Liv "Woah, my eyes look cool."
Syd "My eyes are that blue?"
Liv "Did you brighten them Vee?"
Vee "A little."
Jack "These look so good! The clothes are obviously the best part."
Tommy "Can we send them out now?"
Vee "Yeah! You know what to write about?"
Tommy "Yeah, I wrote something up earlier."
Vee "Okay you can send them out, if they offer money, which they will most likely do, see how much you can get."
Jack "Get me a million Tommy!"
Liv "Maybe not that much."
Timotheé "If my face was in more of these then probably."
Syd "Shut up."

I laughed and I grabbed my things, I sent the pictures to Tommy. I told Timotheé it was time to go and we said our goodbyes and got in the car...

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