I Thought You Would See

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It has been four and a half weeks of Cassian and Nesta being in the mountain cabin. After returning to the cabin smelling of another male after dark. Despite Cassian's only two rules of, no going out after dark and to never go into the camp alone. Cassian has finally had it. But he isn't the only one fed up with their situation.

Cassian was panting as he stood across the room from her. They were staring each other down both refusing to give an inch. The rage and power emanating from her was enough to smother Cassian but he stood his ground clenching and unclenching his fists and doing his best to steady his breathing.
He could smell the male on her, not sex just another males scent. He hated the feeling of relief he felt. When he had arrived back at the Cabin so late and she had not been inside the panic had nearly consumed him. But then of course she had come traipsing in and fixing him with that glare of indifference and his resolve finally snapped.

"All I asked was that you did not go out after dark. I told you that it was dangerous. I told you that these people do not take kindly to outsiders. All I asked.."

Nesta slowly stepped forward power roiling inside her. That power that had become a part of her just as her own blood.

"Did my dear sister know that I was going to be in danger here on a daily basis? Did she know when she banished me to this hell on earth that I would be forced to stay in this house unless I was accompanied by the one person I spent months trying to avoid. Did my lack of desire to join in with your merry little band of immortals really anger you all so much that must now endure this? I am to be a prisoner in these God for saken mountains"

Cassian had actually taken a step back as she spoke, as if her words had physically struck him and knocked him back.

"You left her with no damned choice. You were doing your best to ruin your life and drink yourself to death, in case you forgot Nesta." He chose to not address her admission, that she had been trying to avoid him.

But again Nesta advanced a step and cut him off.

"I forgot nothing Cassian." It took everything in his power not to physically react at the way she spat his name. "I did not forget how you all went back to your little townhouse and went right back to your lives as though nothing had happened. As though my father had not been murdered, as though you hadn't nearly died again, as though thousands of Illyrian soldiers had not been wiped out. I did not forget how it felt Cassian, how it felt when I stood over my fathers body and was left there alone, my sisters comforted by their little lap dogs, while I had no one. I did not forget how it felt to sit in that room for days without so much as a word from you. You were always around, drinking with your little pod. Fondling Mor as you always have. Making me want to throw myself from a damned window because of how much I hated the fact that it ate at me the way it did. Did you know, no one asked me why I was leaving?"

Nesta took another step forward. She was trembling from head to toe and Cassian felt as though he may actually pass out from lack of oxygen. He couldn't get enough air, the room was too small. His mouth was so dry as he tried and failed to form words. Cassian did not think he had ever been speechless before.

"I was a human woman. I was not a soldier. I was not born to become a fighter or soldier. I was not trained to.."

"I begged you to train with me!" Cassian bellowed at her.

"You begged me to allow you to distract me from my own misery. You begged me to spend time with you, to build trust with you and possibly something else and then to watch you discard it as if it were all trash when Mor, or any of the rest of them walked into the room. You wanted to flirt and train and look at me with that damned look but only when no one else could see. Only when she was not in the room. I would have trained with Azriel but you were too selfish to allow that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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