Kyle x Shy Reader

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I sat silently on the swings, reading the book I just borrowed from the library. It was recess and the rest of the kids were being loud and noisy. I just wanted to read in peace, but Mr. Garrison said that I can't stay cooped up inside reading, try to actually go outside…

So I went outside with my book. It wasn't that I didn't like my classmates, for the most part the girls were okay and the boys obnoxious, but I preferred the fantasy worlds in novels more. Yeah there was conflict in them, but it was always sorted out by the end.

"Hey, (y/n)!" A voice called to me.
I jumped and stared at the boy across the yard, Kyle, one of the better boys in my class... But he hung around Cartman, and he kind of... scared me.

"Can you pass the ball over?" He yelled. I looked down at my feet and saw the basketball sitting there. How did I miss that rolling up to me?

I slid off the swing and picked up the ball, and passed it to him, he grinned and yelled back, "Thanks!" before running off with his friends again. 

I collected my book as the bell rang and I made my way back into the building, overhearing Stan talk to Kyle.

"Dude, I don't know why you even bothered trying to talk to them, it isn't like they ever speaks unless necessary."

"Well, maybe they just needs a reason to talk, I don't know. It just seemed rude to walk up right in front of them to grab the ball."


They think I am weird because I don't talk.

'It isn't that I don't want to...' I thought to myself as I sat down and Garrison started going off about whatever TV show he had been watching recently.

When school got out, I quickly dumped everything into my bag and left as quick as possible. I just wanted to get home.

But, a wrench was tossed into my plan as I heard a voice from beside me, "Hey, so... What book are you reading?" I turned my head and saw Kyle there.

"... Percy Jackson." I said, focusing on my shoes.

"I haven't read those ones yet, heard of them though. They any good?"

"If you like greek mythology." 

"I will give them a chance when I have the time then. See you around (y/n)!" I watched as he ran off to his friends across the street.

"Why are you talking to me...?" I asked quietly as I made the rest of the walk home in confused silence. 

As soon as I opened the door to my house I heard my dad screaming. 'Another normal afternoon...' I thought to myself as I quickly made my way to my room to start my homework.

The next morning I left my house, thankful for the moderately quiet night, meant I got to sleep well. As I exited the driveway, Kyle ran up to me.

"Good morning!" He said chipperly.

"Good morning..." I said as I began to walk towards the school, and he quickly followed me.

"So... Why don't you talk? Well, I mean you do, but you only say the words you need to... Why?" 

I thought carefully on how to respond, "Because people can't get mad at me for only saying what is needed." 

"What?" I shrugged at his response and continued on without him.

Recess came and again I was on the swings, reading. I was trying to avoid the group of boys staring at me this time though. Last week it was easy to ignore the staring, now, not so much. Not with Kyle walking up to me again.

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