through the smoke

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Through the Smoke

Raging flames
rage through me like
a struggling breath
pushing to breathe a
new life into me
but every time I open
my mouth
I'm gasping
I'm choking on air

Thick harsh smoke
crashes into me
trying to suffocate
my every thought
my every feeling
every moment that
I stand here breathing

Can't seem to find
my fight
my way through it
the flames are starting
to eat away at me
I'm stuck here screaming

Through the smoke
I want to start believing
that the rain will come
and wash away these
heated walls that are
cascading around me
and clear up everything
that's keeping me here

Through the smoke
I believe there's a
a new hope that's now
burning inside of me
those flames that were
raging and strangling me
are no longer
my greatest enemy

Through the smoke
I will stand
until I have to walk
through the fire again

I'm burning up with
a fresh start fever
here's to my former friend,
who pushed me into his fires
and didn't care about
the burns
or how hard I fell

Through the smoke
I don't want to see
his face grinning back at me
like a demon from Hell

Through the smoke
I want to see mine
because it's the only way
I'll know that
my soul hasn't died

By this time
I'm sure he's forgotten
all about me
and all the times
I burned
while he figured out
his own twisted way
to numb his own pain

Through the smoke
I will rise.

- Zayn Malik

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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