No Return

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Author note: hi guys!!! So I wrote this late last year and I decided I wanted to post this! I worked very hard on this so please don't copy! Thanks😘
She couldn't believe it. Was he serious! She took a deep breath and said, "You can't be really thinking about doing this?" He didn't even glance at her as she stared at him in shock. He continued to pack as if she had never spoken. "Andy! I'm talking to you!" He finally looked up and muttered, "I'm leaving Mellie. It's over!" She started to breathe in shallow breaths as tears streamed down her face. "Why can't we fix this? It was an accident!" He whipped his face around in disbelief. "Cheating on me wasn't an accident." She was frozen in shock. What did she do? He is wrong? He is WRONG! She did love him and always has. Why couldn't he understand that it wasn't her fault? "Andy! Please give me another chance." He shook his head one last time and then walked out the room. She followed him in a panic. " Andy! Stop! Please don't leave me here alone!" He kept walking as if he couldn't hear the desperation coloring her voice. He got to the front door and then said, "Bye Mellie." With those last two words he walked out of the house and out of her life. She crumbled to the floor in the foyer. She was all alone and desperate. She raised her head and said, "You'll be back! I'll make sure of it! You can't leave me!" She stood up and took one last lingering look at the closed door and desolate house. She knew it wouldn't be empty for long.

Later that night she went up stairs to the attic to find her wedding trunk. Opening it up she pulled out her wedding dress and laid it on her lap. Managing a sad smile she remembered the day her and Andy got married and how much of a nervous wreck she was. She thought about how they broke tradition because she didn't think she could walk down the aisle without talking to Andy first. She could distinctly hear his exact words he had said at that moment. "Mellie belly I love you so get your cute behind down that aisle so I can marry it." Shaking off the memory she stood up and decided to put on her dress for memorys sake. As she twirled in the mirror she wished that Andy were still with her. She walked over the phone and mechanically dialed his cell number and hoped he would pick up. He answered so she put on her most seductive voice and said, "Andy baby! I miss you so much! Why don't you come home?" He responded in a voice laced with exhaustion telling her that is was over for good and that she needed to not call him. Before she could reply she heard the dial tone. Hanging up she put the phone on the floor and walked to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet doors she started grabbing plates and throwing them against the wall as she screamed. Breathing heavily as she threw the last plate, she grabbed the unopened bottle of wine and proceeded to pour herself a glass. Smirking to herself she said, "You'll be back! Even if it's the last thing I do, I'll make you come back Andy!"

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