Chapter one

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She sits.

In a dark space, she sits, waiting for her time.

Suddenly, the lights flicker on.

"Ah!" She gasps, "master!"

The room is white, pristine and clean. There is absolutely nothing inside. No windows. There is a giant door on one wall, it is covered by metal. The girl walks around in her cell, staring at the ceiling, seemingly waiting for something. Suddenly, she is engulfed in a blue light, but she doesn't react, she stands calmly. She closes her eyes and waits for a second, her body is then shot through a tube at thousands of miles an hour. She is deposited and sits motionless for a minute. She opens her eyes and views a room with several other people in it. The room is blue, a light blue that's hard for anyone to explain. Everyone around her is speaking Korean, as the system says. Suddenly, she knows Korean, as if it was a question whether she did or not.

"네? 뭐라고요?" ("what's going on?") she asks a stranger walking by.

The person ignores her, going to a certain point in the room, enters an elevator and is seemingly, never to be seen again. A certain elevator lights up a light shade of purple and it catches her eye. She walks towards it and the doors open. As she steps on, a voice is heard.

"가만히 계세요," ("please hold still") The voice says

She stands still for a minute and suddenly is shot downwards at 398 MPH. two seconds later she is on the floor, Standing in front of a desk. There is a big sign at the top of the center she is in, It reads "Files"

"성함과 주소를 말씀해 주세요." ("Name and address?") The woman at the counter says

"난 없어..." ("I... don't know") the girl replies

"뭐라고요? 오! 당신이 새로운 사람이군요!" ("Huh? Oh! You're the new person!") the desk woman said, "환영해요!" ("Welcome!")

"네, 감사합니다...." ("Yeah, thanks")

Suddenly the conversation switched to English,

"You got transferred from the flash right?" the desk woman asked

The girl nodded slowly

"Were you transferred from a different computer?"

"I think so. after my home lost power, I kind of ceased to exist." The girl said shyly, "Once I regained power, everything popped back into existence, right where I left off."

The desk woman nodded and made a gesture for her to continue,

"Since I ceased to exist, I made no memories, had no concept of time, I was just a floating ball of code, sitting in the pitch black." She continues, "it's not that I ceased to exist eternally, I just didn't exist in that timeframe, I guess?"

"Mhmm, so you're a transfer from a different system." the desk woman explained. "Apparently, you were important, so your user decided to keep you in a separate storage container"

"I remember my old system was, broken..." the girl starts, "things were breaking down, our members were on the brink of corruption."

"Yes, go on."

"I think I remember a virus going around... people would just deteriorate, right in front of you." she said, "I watched myself get deleted, I remember that now."

"Ah!" the desk woman exclaimed, "you're a copy! A second generation of yourself. Your user copied you and sent you to a separate storage container, to save you, for some reason"

The girl just stared at the desk woman for a while, Taking in all the information she was remembering.

"Hon," the woman said, "I have your room ready"

"My room? Am I staying here?" she asked

"Yes, the owner has removed the storage container that housed you, so we have to give you a place to stay." The woman said, "otherwise, the system doesn't recognise you"

She followed the woman to her new room, It was a small little place. A small apartment was given to each one of the files, for their own use. They can decorate it as much as they want. This one still had some decorations from the last owner in it.

"This is your place!" the woman said, "I'll let you get settled in, come and get me when you're ready for a tour."

"I'm ready now!" the girl exclaimed

"Alright lets get started"

They started walking towards the elevator,

"So, what do you want to see first?" the woman asked, "also whats your name?"

"Me? My name is Athena" Athena said, "and, if you could take me through everything, please?"

"Sure" The woman said

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