Chapter six

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Sela woke to a Roar from right outside her cave it demoed as it was coming from her father. Which could only be bad because her farther was a very nice person. So this made her Nervous and so as fast as her legs could carry her she ran out of the cave.
When she got she stoped in her tracks. It was the lion from her dream from all those months ago he was right there about ten feet away from her as she looked into his eyes she could tell he was thinking the same thing how did this happen and how. She just stared in to his eyes for a long time till she snapped back in to reality and looked at her father who was staring down at the lone lion then he finally asked. Where did you come from and how did you get to the pride lands. Temon suddenly jumped out from behind him and said we found this guy wondering around in the jungle so we brought him back here so he could stay for the night then leave in the morning. Temon looker ap at her father and then he said fine but only one night and that finale. Then all of a sudden the lion started to cry it just happend and her father look at him worriedly and said are you ok then he just said thank you thank you so much then he collapsed to the ground.
When Herizon woke he saw that he had been moved on to a bed of moss in a sort of cave but was cover in holes that water dripped though he sat up confused then remember the night before then remembered his break down and was suddenly embarrassed and just lay down again taking a deep breath then he heard a voice that was coming from behind him that said finally your awake he jusmped to his feet and turned around and jumped to to combat position but then suddenly relaxed as he saw it was at the lioness from the night before then he thought the one from the dream and suddenly she said sorry for scaring you you must have been very tired then he realized that the sun was shining though a hole in the roof and saw it was about noon and said oh sorry I should go I overstayed don't I sorry I can go now but then she said not yet after the thing last night my father wanted to ask you a few questions and then he said wait that your father then she said in a smooth voice she said yes and then he felt like he was sinking in the the ground in embarrassment then she said calm down it fine now come on we have to go talk to my father she all of a sudden bounded off and he followed Out of the cave in to open air then he saw her running up a slope smoked by generations of paw lead up to a giant rock pointing towards where should be the rising sun he then followed her up the path and opposite of the rock was a giant cave with a plat form in the middle on witch stood the king or the lionesses dad who he walked up to and gave a large bow and then stood in front of the king whose eyebrow went up as he said well that the first time anyone has bowed to me in a very long time then he felt very embarrassed for bowing but then the king said so thank you for coming so before you go I should like to know more about yourself and where you came from he felt cold waves suddenly wash thought his veins but he stood up straight and said ok then the questions started like how long have you been traveling have you been traveling with anyone all that stuff the first hard question was when he asked where did you come from he had to take a minute breath half back tears and said the pride of the rising sun once the words left his mouth one tear roles down his face but stayed strong and blinked back the rest and then looked down for a second then looked back up the king asked do you want to continue we can stop if you should would like but he sook his head and said it's ok then the hardest one came how did you get that scare he looked down for a minute then looked up at Him and said from the lions that killed my whole pride.
Then the tears flowed.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm going through some family trama and am just tired so sorry but I this chapter is kinda how I fell right know so you know it's hard also I'm weighting this on my phone at midnight soooo sorry but I'll see you soon bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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